8 Common Habits That Damage Your Appearance Without You Realizing It

Although we find it more comfortable to brush our hair when getting out of the shower, it is convenient to wait for it to dry since, otherwise, we could damage it

In general, we do not stop to think about what we do right and what we do wrong on a day-to-day basis. However, we surely have some common habits that damage our appearance, or that can affect our health.

The problem is that, by the time we realize it, the damage may be done or very close. That is why we decided to show you some common habits that damage appearance and that we do without realizing that they can harm us.

1. Common harmful habits: crossing your legs

This is a common position among women. In fact, many associate it with elegance. However, when we sit cross-legged, blood flow is altered and decreased, causing problems such as varicose veins.

In addition, it is a position that leads to back pain and problems in the reproductive organs. This is due to pressure exerted on the leg for long periods of time.

2. Take hot showers

Woman in shower

For many people this is an act that they find fascinating and relaxing. Without realizing it,  the skin is affected by high temperatures. As much as if it were a sunburn, altering the natural balance of the skin.

For that reason, sometimes you can promote the appearance of irritation, itching or dryness. It is recommended to lower the water temperature, in addition to the time you spend in the shower.

And we must not forget the use of products that are moisturizing and that do not have aggressive effects on the skin. As far as possible, those with strong odors should be avoided, as well as those with coarse particles that can cause damage.

3. Comb hair immediately after showering

This is another common habit, an action that takes place almost automatically. However, it causes a lot of damage to the health of the hair, since when it is wet, it is much more fragile than when it is dry.

Thus, if you comb it wet, it is more likely to break and fall out.

  • If you want to keep your hair healthy, it is recommended that you dry your hair gently with a towel.
  • Then let it dry naturally before brushing it out.
  • Regardless of the length of your hair, start brushing it from the ends.

4. Using exfoliating scrub excessively

Sugar scrub cream

Sometimes we believe that by using scrubs our face will remain free of blemishes. The problem is that it is often exaggerated with daily use and we cause an increase in oil production or dry skin.

For this reason, specialists do not agree with exfoliating creams. Instead, the use of peeling creams formulated with lactic acid or glycolic acid is recommended.

5. The thinking posture

This is a very common position that we adopt without realizing it, generally when we are concentrating on reading while sitting at the computer.

When adopting this posture, the hand puts pressure on the chin.  This, even if it is light, gradually makes the hyoid bone move, almost imperceptibly.

With this , an obstruction of blood circulation in the area is achieved and, as a consequence, the double chin is formed. Likewise, it also accelerates the premature aging of the skin.

6. Touch our faces constantly

Woman touching her chin

We generally run our hands over our faces several times a day without realizing it. This we do automatically and are not always clean.

This action can cause skin problems. Irritations or acne are frequent, since dirt and bacteria accumulate on your hands that, without realizing it, immediately pass to your face when touched.

7. Sunscreen only on the face

The damage to the ozone layer is increasing, which makes the sun’s rays penetrate in a more direct way, causing greater damage to our skin. Many times we make the mistake of placing sunscreen only on the skin of the face, thinking that it is the exposed part.

It is important that, when leaving the house, we apply sunscreen on our face. But you also have to do it on the arms, on the neckline and on all parts of the body that are exposed to the sun’s rays. This way we will avoid premature aging and spots on the skin.

8. Go to bed without removing makeup

Sleeping woman

Many times we arrive tired from a party and go to bed at once without removing the makeup from our faces. This makeup builds up in the pores, clogging them and causing an infection that later turns into acne.

Before going to bed it is always necessary to apply a make-up remover, then wash your face and, finally, apply a moisturizing cream.

All of these are common habits, which we often do without realizing it. But you have been able to see how its effects can be harmful, for beauty and for health. Avoiding them is in your power!

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