Gastric Protectors And Antacids: How Are They Different?

It is very common to confuse the uses for which gastric protectors are indicated with the uses of antacid drugs. Surely, you have ever taken a gastric protector to treat occasional heartburn or to prevent it before a large meal.

However, this is not the proper use of this type of drug, since gastric protectors should not be used to treat heartburn or heartburn.

As this confusion is usually very common, we want to explain throughout the article what gastric protectors are and what they are used for, as well as the correct uses of antacids.


What is a gastric protector?


The gastroprotective s on the known anti – ulcer drugs. They are used to treat gastric ulcers. The first effective drugs for this purpose were antihistamines that act selectively in the stomach, inhibiting the stimulation of the synthesis of hydrochloric acid that is secreted during digestion.

However, they are less and less used for the treatment of peptic ulcers because proton pump inhibitors were introduced on the market in the 1990s. These drugs are, according to studies, the second most consumed group of drugs in Spain.

These gastric protectors block the system by which molecules called hydrogen ions are secreted. As a consequence, the stomach lining cannot synthesize hydrochloric acid.

In addition to the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastric protectors are used in the treatment and prophylaxis of other pathologies that occur with gastric hypersecretion such  as:

  • Esophagitis
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
  • Gastropathies produced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Stress ulcers.

Some of the drugs that belong to this family are omeprazole, esomeprazole, and lansoprazole. Doctors will decide which one to prescribe in each case based on the duration of treatment or the intensity of symptoms, among other criteria.

When should we take a gastric protector?

As we have mentioned, these medications are subject to medical prescription and are indicated for the treatment of some type of disease or disorder that affects the gastric mucosa. They are not drugs for treating heartburn.

What about antacids?

natural alternatives to antacids

On the other hand, antacids are drugs that neutralize excess acid in the stomach, making this substance less aggressive for the walls of the organ. Unlike gastric protectors, antacids do not inhibit or block the secretion of stomach acid, but only counteract its effects.

When should we take an antacid?

We can say, then, that antacids should be taken when, after a meal, we feel any symptoms of heartburn in the stomach or burning in the mouth of it. Foods that contain a lot of fat or spicy foods promote the appearance of acidity in the stomach. That is why they are indicated to relieve indigestion, since they act directly and in a short period of time.

Among the antacids that we can find on the market today is the famous bicarbonate or magnesium salts, among many others. Unlike the previous ones, antacids do not need a prescription.

Symptoms and Causes of Gastric Ulcers

gastric protectors

Gastric ulcers are lesions that develop on the inner wall of the stomach. The most common symptom is pain. This pain is due to the burning produced by gastric acid in the stomach lining.

Stomach acid makes pain worse, as does an empty stomach. Along with pain, gastric ulcers can also cause:

  • Vomiting blood.
  • Fainting or fainting
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Feeling of being full, bloated and gassy.

On the other hand, in terms of the triggering causes, the most frequent are infections caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria and the prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin.


Gastric protectors or antiulcer medications are used to treat different conditions that occur in the stomach that require the production of acid in the stomach to be blocked. At the other extreme, antacids are substances that neutralize stomach acid, they do not inhibit its secretion. Therefore, the latter are what should be used for the treatment of heartburn.

Check with your doctor or pharmacist which remedy is ideal for you and never self-medicate, as you could be taking the wrong drug for your situation.


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