5 Drinks To Avoid And Their Healthy Alternatives

Do you know the effects of sugary drinks, light , carbonated, stimulants or artificial juices? There are people who consume them daily, but do not know their long-term health damages. Therefore, today we show you the main drinks to avoid and their healthy alternatives.

5 Drinks to Avoid and Their Alternatives

We explain the reasons why we have to avoid them and offer some natural and healthy alternatives to achieve the same results without harming our body.

Sugary drinks

Refined sugar provides us with very few nutrients. It contains the so-called empty calories that contribute to being overweight. In addition, it is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and can damage teeth.

Also, several studies show that excessive sugar consumption favors the elimination of calcium, which can leave our teeth and bones increasingly weak.

That’s why we present some healthy alternatives to refined sugar:

  • Panela
  • Honey bee
  • Cane honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Natural fruit syrups (apple, pear, etc.)

Light drinks

Diet drinks can be even more harmful than those with sugar. Although they have fewer calories, they are not a healthy option. They contain sweeteners like aspartame.

This, according to some studies, could be potentially carcinogenic, although more research needs to be done on this.

The best alternative that we will find is stevia, a plant with medicinal properties that sweetens much more than sugar and does not contain any calories.

It has a special flavor, similar to licorice, which combines very well with herbal teas. However, we recommend that you always use the most natural product possible, which has not been subjected to refining processes.

stevia on a table

A very simple, light and delicious option is lemonade with stevia:

  • Crush an organic lemon cut into pieces with fresh water in the blender.
  • Then pass it through a strainer and finally add stevia to your liking.
  • If you wish, you can also add a little mint or spearmint.

Carbonated drinks

Regular consumption of carbonated beverages increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study conducted by Boston University in the United States.

For this reason, they are some of the drinks that we should avoid, especially people who suffer from heart problems or who have risk factors or family history.

glass with coca-cola

In the long run, regular consumption of these beverages can lead to chronic kidney, heart or liver disease. In addition, metabolic syndrome is becoming more and more common, encompassing all kinds of disorders (cholesterol, hypertension, high triglycerides, etc.).

Artificial juices

The juices that we buy ready-made are not a healthy option for every day. If we drink them on time, they are a good alternative to sugary, light or carbonated drinks , but we should not get used to taking them.

The fruits that are used are of low quality, preservatives are added and in many cases also sugar. Only by tasting a juice we already notice the difference with a natural one, which shows that the production process is very different.

One of the apple-based remedies is the juice of this fruit.

Although we can preferably choose chilled and squeezed juices, not from concentrate, if possible organic and without sugar, the healthiest option is to prepare our own natural juices.

These are the most vitaminic and remineralizing option, and can be prepared with a blender, mixer, or juicer. We can try combinations with mint, ginger, cinnamon, etc.

Stimulating drinks

Other drinks that we should avoid are those that contain stimulating substances, such as cola or guarana. If consumed regularly, they can alter our biorhythms and our nervous system.

It will be especially important that children avoid them, especially if they have a tendency to hyperactivity or attention deficit, and people who are nervous or suffer from insomnia.

On the other hand, there are coffee and tea, which although they contain caffeine and theine, have beneficial properties for health. In this case, it will be advisable not to abuse them, and that people who suffer from insomnia or states of nervousness avoid them, especially after noon.

Although it is hard to believe, natural juices are good stimulant drinks. And it is that fruit is a healthy source of energy. To these we can add supplements such as:

  • Pollen
  • Honey
  • bruise
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon

These are some of the drinks that we should avoid in our diet. They do not provide us with any benefit and various studies show that they can be harmful to health. Try the alternatives that we present to you and you will surely love them.

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