The 6 Best Self-control Techniques

Maybe you’re trying to quit smoking, or maybe you want to reduce your test anxiety. In challenges like these, managing emotions is essential to avoid worse consequences. Here we tell you which are the best self-control techniques.

The famous maxim of the great Greek philosopher Socrates will support the subject we are dealing with. That is, only by knowing yourself will it be possible to be aware of your own weaknesses and strengths, which will allow you to correct the former and enhance the latter.

Likewise, the regulation of emotions and the temptations that we sometimes feel is essential to have a fuller and healthier life.

This is especially the case in those moments when it is necessary to make or persevere in certain decisions, such as following the diet, quitting smoking or not getting angry when there is a lot of traffic. Let’s look at it more slowly.

What are some of the best self-control techniques?

Self-control is presented as a skill that is learned and trained on a daily basis. It is the most effective way to manage negative emotions such as anger, gluttony or envy.

In addition, it can help us in all areas of life, from saying no to a drug to avoiding unpayable debts, even with a credit card.

Let’s see, then, what are some concrete guidelines to achieve this goal with 6 of the best self-control techniques.

Keys to having self-control

1. Pay attention to your own behavior

By taking a few moments to analyze situations well, it will be easier for us to perceive certain signals that are often repeated in our behavior.

For example, if when you see a beautiful bag in a shop window, the first impulse is to go in and buy it, it may be useful to be alert in circumstances like that.

If we try to detect which are the habits and routines present in our day-to-day lives, we will have taken one more step in controlling those behaviors that we want to change.

2. Avoid thinking only about what worries us

Having too much worry

Although one of the keys is to try to explore everyday events, it is not necessary to become obsessed.

The mind becomes quite capricious in these cases. Sometimes, the more you want to put a thought aside, the more it appears on the scene.

Therefore, self-control techniques are appropriate at certain times, so dedicating the rest of the time to other activities is also healthy.

3. Modifying habits is also one of the best self-control techniques

Any change in habits will require determination and commitment. From going to the gym to dieting, to quitting smoking or not spending just.

However, as the effort is sustained over a period of time, the new behaviors will begin to become more automatic.

It is important to remember this aspect so as not to fall into abandonment. If we persist, we will be able to establish the habit.

4. Take time to relax

It's time to relax

Taking deep breaths, counting to 10, and closing your eyes can be one of the techniques for calming down and practicing self-control. Meditation could also help us in this endeavor.

Just as it was essential to identify certain behaviors, it is also essential to attend to the information provided by the different emotions we feel.

Thus, in the face of nerves, anger or doubt, it may be wiser to stop for a moment to regain peace of mind. The goal is to avoid hasty and irrational decisions.

5. Pay attention to the environment is another of the best self-control techniques

It is possible that the environment that surrounds us urges us to act in a certain way. As it is often difficult to change, a viable strategy is to move away from it.

For example, it may be the case that we are trying to stop drinking. So if coworkers go to the bar at the end of the day, one way to control the temptation is, in fact, to withdraw from the places where it is done.

Or if compulsive shopping is the problem, avoiding visits to the mall in times of sadness or boredom would also be a relevant option.

6. Release tensions

Meditation exercise to eliminate tensions

There are various activities that help channel those impulses or concerns that disturb us.

These include the ability to exercise, walk, or even take a bubble bath. All are valid alternatives to dissipate tensions and enhance self-control.

It’s in your hands

With these keys we have reviewed some of the best self-control techniques that can be applied in complex situations in which we feel overwhelmed.

Both paying attention to specific aspects and making an effort to change habits, relax or alleviate discomfort are ideas to consider.

Which of them will you start with?

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