How To Combat Foot Fungus With Aloe Vera

Since aloe vera is attributed antifungal properties, that is, it inhibits the growth of fungi, it is believed that it may be a valid ingredient for develop remedies to remove them from the feet.

Fungi in the feet are a problem that, in addition to affecting from the aesthetic point of view, can cause many discomforts for the person. Therefore, it is essential to go to the doctor and give them adequate treatment.

The causes of its appearance can be very varied, but without a doubt, the fact that the feet spend many hours in a row in a closed, warm (and sometimes humid) environment –which comes to be footwear– is what usually has a significant influence in its proliferation.

The best way to eliminate fungi is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, ventilate everyday shoes well, wash and dry your feet well, put on cotton socks, and carry out a series of related actions.

There are those who consider that, in addition to all this, they can resort to home remedies with a particular natural element: aloe vera.

Aloe vera, the quintessential remedy

aloe vera.

Aloe vera is a plant that has been used in various cosmetic formulas for different purposes. Various medicinal properties are attributed to it (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antiseptic, etc.).

According to some studies, in the composition of aloe can be found numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and other bioactive components that contribute to the health of the skin. For this reason, it has been used in the elaboration of various cosmetic products and home remedies such  as the ones that we are going to comment on below.

Next we will share more about this plant and one of the recipes of a treatment with it that could be useful in case of having foot fungus.

Aloe vera remedy to combat foot fungus

According to popular beliefs, the daily application of aloe vera gel on the areas of the feet affected by fungi can help stop their growth. This would alleviate some symptoms such as itching or irritation.

However, before starting the treatment, it is essential to clean and disinfect all shoes and socks with baking soda, to ensure that we remove those that are present there first.


  • 1 leaf of aloe vera.
  • Neutral soap and water.
  • 1 pair of socks.
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).


  • First, you will have to carefully cut the aloe vera stalk. This way you will find the liquid gel that it has inside.
  • Remove it with the help of the knife or a spoon and pour it into a colander.
  • Wash it with plenty of water until the yellowish layer that covers it is removed.
  • Drain it well and then transfer it to a glass container.
  • Then add the two tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Stir everything until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Wash your feet well using mild soap and water. Dry them well to proceed with the application of the remedy.
  • Spread an even layer of the gel combined with coconut oil. Leave it on until it dries or until the skin absorbs it.
  • For a greater concentration, the ideal thing is that you apply it every night before going to sleep. In addition, you can cover them with socks so that it can be better absorbed.
  • The next morning, you rinse them off and repeat their application at night.
  • Its use must be daily. However,  the duration of treatment can be indefinite. Everything will depend on the results.

Girl lying with her feet up.

Other advantages of this remedy revolve around the fact that it is 100% natural, its preparation is quite simple, it cares for and improves the health of the skin (it keeps it hydrated, thus avoiding dryness and cracking, and protects it from fungi).

Use aloe gel regularly to combat foot fungus

Like all natural remedies, aloe vera gel has no immediate effects. However, it is very likely that its effects will begin to be felt in a matter of days.

In case of not finding improvement with this treatment, it is recommended to consult the doctor to receive a proper diagnosis and other alternatives to treat the problem.

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