9 Delicious Homemade Lemonades And Their Health Benefits

By combining the properties of lemon with those of other medicinal ingredients we can obtain different natural lemonades with multiple health benefits and thus avoid industrial drinks.

There are a ton of different types of homemade lemonade, but they all have one thing in common: they’re delicious, they’re refreshing, and they’re super healthy. That is, they are the perfect substitute for sugary drinks and we can also take them daily.

In this article we propose 9 types of homemade lemonades flavored with different herbs, spices and supplements to turn them into authentic medicinal drinks. You will love them!

9 homemade lemonades of many flavors

Eating lemon on a daily basis could provide several health benefits.

According to nutritionist and author Susan Powter, lemon is a citrus fruit very rich in various nutrients that make it a medicinal food. These include:

  • Limonene.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Citric acid.
  • Bioflavonoids.
  • Minerals (calcium, magnesium).

Most of the benefits revolve around its vitamin C content, as confirmed by experts from the 5 a day Association.

Continuing with this idea, drinking homemade lemonades would be a way to benefit from all the properties of lemon and take care of health. Therefore, we suggest you add different foods to lemonades to enrich them, give them a touch of original flavor and multiply their healing virtues.

For all of them, you would simply need to add the desired amount to taste to 1 liter of lemonade. Now you just need to choose the final ingredient!

1. Mint

Peppermint is a medicinal plant with digestive, refreshing and revitalizing properties.

  • Thus, it is possible that fresh mint lemonades help us to cope with the hottest days when we lack energy and vitality.
  • They are also a good option to accompany a difficult to digest meal or to have as a dessert.


If we do not have fresh mint we can prepare an infusion of dried mint and when it is dry, we will add the lemon juice.

2. Basil

According to Potwer, basil lemonade would be ideal for:

  • Lift your spirits when we feel sad.
  • It also helps us prevent the lowering of defenses that these negative emotional states usually entail.
  • Basil is excellent because it relaxes and stimulates us at the same time, according to the needs of the body.

3. Fennel

Fennel lemonades are usually the best option for those who tend to suffer bloating, gas or flatulence, since:

  • They facilitate digestion naturally.
  • They also help us fight fluid retention.


This lemonade should be taken outside of meals or a while before to benefit from these properties.

4. Cinnamon and ginger

Homemade lemonade with fruits.

Cinnamon Ginger Lemonade is pure energy. In addition, if we drink it hot, it will comfort us and give us warmth on the coldest days or when we feel cold.

Dr. Powder tells us that thanks to this lemonade we can:

  • Raise your defenses.
  • Activate the metabolism.
  • Regulate sugar levels.
  • Eliminate fluids that accumulate in the body.

5. Turmeric

According to experts, turmeric lemonade is such a comprehensive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory remedy that we should get used to taking it often.

Also, both turmeric and lemon are two excellent foods for improving liver function. Thus, we will optimize the body’s natural ability to cleanse the blood and purify toxins.

6. Beetroot

On the other hand, we can also find beet lemonade which is an ideal combination of two foods that help us overcome fatigue  thanks to the combination of vitamin C, iron and folic acid.


We will have to beat a piece of beet with the lemonade until we obtain a surprising purple drink with a delicious flavor.

7. Green tea, perfect for your homemade lemonades

Likewise, Powder recommends lemonade made with green tea because it is a drink with antioxidant and diuretic virtues. Also, this mineral-rich drink helps us burn more calories and lose weight more easily.

8. Isotonic

We can turn lemonades into isotonic drinks to drink during the day.  Thus, we could remineralize and hydrate even when we practice sports. Here is a recipe to turn your lemonade into an isotonic drink.

Add the following ingredients to a liter of lemonade.


  • A pinch of baking soda.
  • Half a teaspoon of sea salt (3.5 g).
  • Brown sugar or honey (to taste).


  •  First, we will add the bicarbonate and sea salt to the natural lemonade and mix well.
  • If we wish, we can sweeten it with a little honey or brown sugar.
  • Finally, we will obtain a refreshing drink, slightly salty and with an effervescent effect.

9. Stevia and propolis

The last of these homemade lemonades that we propose can be taken hot or cold. In addition, it is a remedy to raise the defenses, prevent and treat states of flu, colds, coughs, pharyngitis, etc.


Simply add stevia to taste and 25 drops of propolis for each liter of lemonade. We can take it if we want throughout the day.

Now that we have 9 products that we can add to the lemonade to give it a touch of flavor, we just have to choose our favorite and let’s get to work!

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