How To Get Rid Of Dry Mouth Sensation: 4 Natural Remedies

There are many factors that can cause dry mouth. Low saliva production is the main trigger. Therefore, it is advisable to see a doctor.

Dry mouth is a condition known in medical terms as xerostomia. It occurs when the salivary glands do not secrete enough saliva, or when there is some alteration in its pH. Do you want to know how to eliminate dry mouth?

Although it is not a serious medical problem, it can be accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms such as a rough tongue, sores and chapped lips. It is also sometimes the warning sign of an underlying disease of the mouth or digestive system.

Therefore, it is advisable to see a doctor to determine the causes. Special attention should be paid to reported symptoms, medication use, and medical history.

If the symptom is mild, some natural remedies can be prepared to speed up its relief. This time we want to review some of its causes and various preparations that can help control it. Take note!

Causes of dry mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by a number of factors. It often results from dehydration from low fluid intake. However, it can also be the side effect of certain diseases or the consumption of medications. To go into detail, its causes can be:

  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Low water consumption (dehydration)
  • Smoking excessively
  • Taking medications such as decongestants and antihistamines
  • Cancer treatments or chemotherapy.
  • Immune system diseases
  • Metabolic disorders and diabetes
  • Oral infections

People who wear dentures can have this problem because the saliva is focused on sticking the teeth more to the gums. The problem is usually more frequent in women than in men, since they tend to produce less, especially after 45 years.

Read also: Relieve dry mouth with 5 natural remedies

In many cases, dry mouth is caused by an oral problem and symptoms include: a feeling of sticky mouth, burning, difficulty chewing and speaking, dry throat and lips, bad breath, and a rough tongue.

It is often temporary, caused by anxiety, stress and nerves.  It is necessary to be attentive to this disorder, since it can generate cavities, sores, cracks, among others.

Natural remedies to try to eliminate dry mouth

The main recommendation to eliminate dry mouth is to increase your daily water consumption. Although it is a habit that generally benefits the entire body, in this particular case it is essential to control discomfort. The ideal is to drink enough water according to our needs.

Now, it is believed that some natural ingredients could help improve salivation. In the following space we share the best options:

1. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera to eliminate dry mouth

Due to its high content of water and vitamins and minerals, aloe vera juice is a good option to eliminate dry mouth and its symptoms. Its properties neutralize the pH of saliva and reduce the risk of infections.


  • 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (40 g)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Pour the ingredients into the blender and process them for a few moments.

Consumption mode

  • Drink the juice on an empty stomach and, if you like, repeat its consumption in the middle of the afternoon.

Note: avoid taking more than two servings a day, as it has a slight laxative effect.

2. Sweet pepper

According to scientific research carried out in 2011, sweet pepper stimulates salivation and, therefore, is an ally to relieve dry mouth. It can be added to meals, or it can be added to tea.


  • ½ teaspoon of sweet pepper (2.5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (15 g)


  • First, add the sweet pepper to a cup of water.
  • Next, bring it to a boil over low heat.
  • When it comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, sweeten it with honey.

Consumption mode

  • Have a cup of tea in the middle of the morning.

3. Mallow root

According to some research, mallow root may have a moisturizing action to help eliminate dry mouth and salivation problems. Its nutrients regulate the activity of the salivary glands and hydrate the mouth in a similar way to aloe vera.


  • 1 teaspoon of mallow root (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 m)


  • Add the mallow root to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let the drink rest for 10 minutes and, finally, strain it.

Consumption mode

  • Drink up to 2 cups of infusion a day; one at mid-morning and one at night.

    4. Marshmallow root

    Its properties could hydrate and lubricate the tongue when the secretion of saliva decreases. It is an emollient plant that, among other things, protects the gums.


    • 1 teaspoon of marshmallow root (5 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • First, add the marshmallow root to the cup of water.
    • Then let it simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
    • Wait for it to rest for 15 more minutes and strain it.

    Consumption mode

    • Drink a cup of infusion a day, at least for a week.

    Does your tongue feel rough and dehydrated? Do not forget to consult with your doctor, as it may be due to more serious problems. Afterwards, you can try these remedies to try to improve the symptoms.

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