Remedy Based On Natural Antibiotics To Relieve A Sore Throat

In addition to helping us soothe the throat, thanks to the properties of its antibiotic ingredients, this remedy also allows us to fight the germs that cause infections.

We usually use antibiotics for sore throats, a sign of infections that can affect the respiratory system, tonsils, and pharynx.

It is usually accompanied by difficulties swallowing food, a burning sensation, inflammation and irritation.

Although it is not a serious condition, it is essential to provide timely treatment to speed up your recovery process and avoid possible complications.

Otherwise, viruses and bacteria can proliferate and lead to more serious and difficult-to-control diseases.

Fortunately, it is not always necessary to use synthetic medications or conventional syrups to combat symptoms effectively.

By combining some ingredients with antibiotic properties, we can obtain alternative remedies to calm it without risk of side effects.

This time we want to share a very special recipe, ideal to strengthen the immune system while relieving the affected area.


Natural antibiotic remedy for a sore throat

Antibiotics are chemical substances that are responsible for preventing the growth of some microorganisms that affect health.

They are used to control infections caused by germs, as they support the body’s defense mechanisms to stop them.

And, although chemicals are often used, many ingredients of natural origin have a composition that gives them this property.

Among these we find garlic, cayenne pepper and honey, three foods well known for both their culinary and medicinal applications.

Its active compounds work as powerful antibacterials, facilitating the recovery of conditions that affect the health of the throat.

These act directly in the areas where microorganisms proliferate, slowing their growth and preventing them from causing irritation or pain.

With its combination, a powerful natural remedy is obtained that, in addition to improving the throat, prevents complications from flu and colds.

Garlic benefits

3. Garlic

Garlic is made up of sulfurous substances that give it almost as much power as  antibiotics and antimicrobial agents.

Since ancient times it has been listed as one of the best natural medicines, as it stops some infections and prevents many diseases.

It also has a significant amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals whose effects on the body strengthen the defenses.

Cayenne pepper benefits

Cayenne pepper is a healthy seasoning that has been valued since ancient times for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial power.

Its active substance, capsaicin, effectively fights the formation of many pathogens,  and prevents serious infections from occurring.

It has expectorant properties that are ideal for treating congestion and cold and flu symptoms.

It is also very suitable for relieving common ailments such as a sore throat and headache.

Benefits of honey

Honey bee

Honey is an energetic food, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural enzymes that strengthen the body’s immune system.

It has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that, since ancient times, have been used in the treatment of respiratory system conditions.

Its natural sugars soften the throat and alter the environment that germs need to proliferate.

It also accelerates cell regeneration, making it perfect for healing irritations and ulcers.

How to prepare this antibiotic remedy for a sore throat?

It should be noted that its effects vary depending on the quality of the ingredients used ; therefore, the ideal will be to acquire the 100% organic presentations.


  • Garlic.
  • Cayenne pepper powder (5 g).
  • Bee honey (100 g).
  • A glass jar.


  1. Crush the garlic cloves in a mortar and add the paste obtained in the glass jar.
  2. Include the cayenne pepper powder and then cover everything with the honey.
  3. Stir with a wooden utensil and let it concentrate for 8 to 12 hours.
  4. After the recommended time, consume it.

Consumption mode

  • Take a teaspoon of this preparation every half hour until you feel relief.
  • When feeling improvement, change the dose to one tablespoon every three hours.
  • If you want, you can dissolve it in warm water to facilitate its consumption.

With this mixture you will temporarily calm the discomfort in the throat. However, if symptoms persist, see your doctor.

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