Tips To Be A Perfect Family

To achieve a perfect family, it is important to prioritize communication and respect among its members. Spending time together will help us improve the relationship.

When we think of the portrait of the “perfect family” we usually think of one that is made up of a father, a mother and two children (boy and girl, probably) with wide smiles on their faces. Also, in our ideal image, a pet and a house with a beautiful garden cannot be missing. However, this is far from the true family conception of today.

Can we still enjoy perfection even if we don’t fit that definition ? Of course yes. In this article we will tell you how.

Is there the perfect family?

Build a happy marriage to have a perfect family.

Concepts of perfection are usually quite subjective. For this reason, the perfect family does not exist as such.

With the passage of time, the canons of beauty, health or status have changed, which has allowed the expansion of many definitions. However, in the case of the family, we still tend to look back at that image of “ideal” based on what happened in the 50s, 60s or 70s. At that time it was “normal” for the father to work and the mother was a housewife.

To this conception some “comforts” were added. For example, a house with a garden and two floors, a dog, a family car and a vacation in a nearby place. Many television series showed us that idea of ​​a perfect family that is quite different from what you can see today.

Today, many mothers work outside the home and many men have become “homemakers.” There are couples who live together and have children and pets, but they are not married or own a home. There are also couples who get married, have everything – apparently – and then get divorced. Later, they may marry again, and therefore have children with half-siblings …

Sometimes there is a pet, sometimes not. Sometimes there is a house, but it is not owned, but rented, and instead of a garden there is a pot with a cactus in a corner of the apartment. Sometimes the parent is single, and sometimes not. There are many cases and for which more different.

Given the wide variety of cases, we can take into account that the fact of not “fitting” into the family concept of 70 years ago does not mean that we cannot be happy.

Perfect family: happy and united

Basically, for our family to be perfect you don’t have to have a father, a mother, a boy, a girl, a dog and a garden.

Happiness and unity among members of the “clan” can be based on other, less stereotyped issues. For example, lean on any situation, talk about problems, and show affection. These are some of the tips to enjoy a perfect family.

1. For a “perfect family”: build a happy marriage

Family activities to reduce stress

In a family, parents are a very important pillar. Therefore, it is necessary to work on that relationship that will later instill values ​​in the children. This does not mean that we should be with someone we do not love  just to keep up appearances or so that the children do not have two different houses.

However, it does involve exhausting all instances before deciding to separate. It is essential for this to form a healthy relationship based on trust, respect and communication.

2. Encourage the talk

To be an ideal family, it is very important that each member feels understood and heard. Nowadays, it is common for television or electronic devices to be present during dinner.

Avoid this practice and encourage communication. Talk to your children and your partner about how the day has been, what worries them, what they need, etc.

3. Share more moments

We know that parents today work long hours outside the home. And it is normal that in free time they are very tired. However, sharing moments with children is one of the habits that makes a family perfect. Take at least half an hour a day to spend with your loved ones.

Don’t forget that the best way to build relationships is through experiences and activities together. It doesn’t matter how old your children are: it’s always good to spend time with them every day.

4. Eat together

Let everyone express themselves

We could say that one of the maxims for happiness is: “family that eats together stays together.” In addition to dinners without the company of television, we recommend that you share more meals together, such as breakfast or Sunday lunches.

Believe it or not, the act of sharing food, praising a meal, setting the table or clearing the dishes creates a bond that is very difficult to break.

5. Allow everyone to express themselves

Regardless of their age,  your children also have the right to express their ideas and opinions. This means that day-to-day decisions shouldn’t just be something for the parents or adults in charge.

Perhaps it is true that children do not know about many things, such as money or health. But maybe if we let them decide where to go on vacation or what activities to do after school, we could have a perfect family.

Why? Well, because in this way we allow everyone to have a voice and vote and can have the possibility to speak about their feelings. It can even be an excellent technique to avoid future problems.

6. Program shared activities

Once a week (it can be Saturday or Sunday) it would be good for you to do a group or family activity. It can be taking a walk in the park, going to the beach or the cinema, cooking together, enjoying a board game, etc.

This habit will allow you to foster relationships and, above all, add anecdotes and shared experiences to the “family album”. Nothing more beautiful than remembering those moments of happiness to cultivate the union when things are not so good.

As we have seen, the idea of ​​the perfect family from 70 years ago does not exist as such. Each family is a world and it is we ourselves who have the capacity to appreciate, cultivate and treasure it. The key is to prioritize what is really important: togetherness, affection, respect and honesty.

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