Accelerate Your Hair Growth With This Aloe Vera And Argan Oil Treatment

In the quest to maintain thick, strong, and shiny hair, many people spend a lot of money on hair products and treatments. The beauty industry has been in charge of developing a wide variety of formulas that, due to their components, help keep hair healthy, hydrated and free from problems such as hair loss. Accelerate the growth of your hair with this remedy that we present to you, take note!

Not everyone has enough resources to purchase certain hair products. In fact, some have negative reactions to the chemicals they contain. And, furthermore, not everyone does equally well one or the other products.

The confusion over the variety of products that exist in the market, added to the high price of some of them, have caused  many to have dusted off their grandmother’s natural recipes. Although they were forgotten for some time, they continue to represent a great alternative.

In Better with Health we have also wanted to recover them and among them we have found a wonderful preparation. Thanks to aloe vera and argan oil we can repair the fibers, correct brittle ends and promote healthy growth. Learn how to prepare it!

Aloe vera and argan oil for hair growth

Both the aloe vera plant and argan oil are known in the cosmetic industry for their myriad benefits for hair health. Both are rich in moisturizing, antioxidant and revitalizing compounds that help correct problems that affect hair aesthetics.

Its combination helps reduce dry scalp, excessive hair loss and growth difficulties. In addition, they are perfect to replace commercial conditioners,  since they detangle the hair without causing aggression or unwanted reactions.

Aloe vera benefits

The crystals contained in the aloe vera plant are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances  for the hair. Its natural extracts have been used for decades as ingredients in shampoos, styling creams and other hair beauty items.

However, many prefer to use it in its natural state. This is the best way to fully enjoy its properties. It has high amounts of vitamins A, C and the B complex, all necessary for fast and healthy growth. It also provides vitamin E, whose antioxidant effects reverse the negative effects of free radicals, related to excessive hair loss.

aloe vera

It provides more than 20 essential minerals, necessary to strengthen and hydrate the hair follicles, and reduces the weakening of the hair fibers. As if that were not enough, its high water content helps regulate the pH of the scalp, controlling the excessive production of sebum.

Benefits of argan oil, the “liquid gold”

Argan oil is one of the hair beauty secrets that continue to be valid as a natural method to keep your hair shiny and healthy. It is one of the most recommended oils for excess dryness and hair loss, as it contains essential fatty acids that regulate the natural production of oils while strengthening hair follicles.

Some call it “liquid gold.” Not only does it counteract the damage that hair suffers in the environment, but it also provides nutrients such as vitamin E and omega 3 to promote its growth. Its regular application keeps the mane silky, abundant and free of that uncomfortable frizz .


How to prepare this treatment?


  • 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (60 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of argan oil (30 g)


  1. Put the two ingredients in the blender glass and beat them until you get a homogeneous mixture
  2. Spread the mixture on wet or dry hair and make sure to distribute it from the roots to the ends
  3. Gently massage the scalp so that the compounds are well absorbed
  4. Cover it with a hat and let it act for 20-30 minutes
  5. Rinse with plenty of warm water and, if you want, accompany it with your regular shampoo

From the first application you can feel a smoother, detangled and shiny mane. In addition, using it regularly you will notice that it is a great help for it to grow faster.

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