Chicken Allergy: Symptoms And Recommendations

Chicken allergy is an autoimmune reaction that prevents the consumption of said food due to the symptoms that are triggered. It is a problem that can appear at any time in life, although it is more common for it to begin to manifest itself during childhood. Next, we are going to give you all the keys in this regard.

Before starting, you should know that allergies are characterized by an inefficient functioning of the immune system that identifies harmless or beneficial substances for health as harmful. They have a chronic and irreversible character. In some cases, they can even trigger life-threatening reactions.

What is a chicken allergy?

When chicken meat is ingested, the body’s defense system interprets that certain proteins of the animal are “harmful” and, therefore, capable of putting the health of the subject at risk.

At that time, a series of inflammatory mechanisms are triggered that generate characteristic symptoms. This usually occurs with breathing difficulties, bloating, intestinal discomfort and pain.

This whole process that we have just described is what is known as a chicken allergy. However, the severity of the symptoms always depends on the degree of the allergy itself.

Chicken bought from the house.

Chicken allergy is a relatively common problem among the population. In fact, chicken is the most allergy-prone meat along with turkey. Cross-reactivity between the two is frequent.

It should be noted that it is possible to develop this process of hypersensitivity towards the proteins of the bird, but that this does not generate an impediment against the consumption of eggs.

Associated symptoms

It is important to know the symptoms of a chicken allergy. In this way, we can differentiate allergic processes from other pathologies that have nothing to do with hypersensitivity. The basic symptoms, according to a study published in Current Gastroenterology Reports , are as follows:

  • Urticaria.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Difficulty to swallow.
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Cough.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Hypotension

All symptoms do not have to appear together. In fact, depending on the degree of allergy, they can be more or less obvious. It should be noted that, in the most serious cases, it is also plausible that anaphylactic shock is generated that puts the individual’s life at risk.

This class of processes normally occurs with cardiorespiratory arrest if they are not treated with the appropriate pharmacology, as confirmed by scientific evidence. Faced with this situation, the ambulance should be called.

Chicken allergy diagnosis

The diagnosis of chicken allergy always corresponds to a healthcare professional, as stated in an article published in Nature Reviews Immunology. In general, tolerance tests are done in the mouth to see if there are obvious symptoms.

Allergic reactions: types and symptoms

In the event that these do not occur, an antigen can be inoculated in controlled doses subcutaneously to observe the subsequent reaction. Of course, it is a series of tests that must always be carried out under professional supervision, since they require experience and methodology.

In addition, they can carry a certain risk. In the event of anaphylaxis, it is necessary to have the necessary drugs to reverse the process. Otherwise, the individual’s life would be at stake.

Other foods to avoid

It is common for those allergic to chicken to also be sensitive to turkey meat. However, it is very rare that they have hypersensitivity reactions to other types of foods of animal origin.

Red meat, for example, is not usually problematic. Not even allergy to eggs tends to be related; it is an independent pathology that responds to different antigens.

Of course, in the case of those allergic to chicken, a reading of the nutritional labels is necessary before buying processed products. The presence of bird traces in the products could trigger this series of allergic processes, generating discomfort in the individual.

In this sense, it is best to try to avoid all those meat foods or preparations of industrial origin. Those present in the frozen food area, such as nuggets , are usually made from poultry meat and, therefore, are susceptible to causing allergies in predisposed subjects.

When to see a doctor?

Living with a chronic disease: tips and advice

It is recommended to visit a doctor if after eating chicken meat, discomfort appears. If gastric discomfort, pain, diarrhea, bloating or difficulty breathing are experienced more than twice in a row, it is possible that there is an allergy to this bird.

Also, it is essential to consult a professional immediately if you begin to suffer dizziness after eating chicken, or if you notice a drop in blood pressure. In these cases, serious consequences can develop. The best thing is to go to the emergency department as soon as possible, even in the case of the appearance of a skin rash.

Chicken allergy, an autoimmune problem

As we have mentioned, a chicken allergy is nothing more than an autoimmune reaction where the defense system responds in an exaggerated way to an antigen that is not capable of causing harm to human health. However, it is a chronic condition that does not have an established cure today.

If we have been diagnosed with an allergy to chicken, it is possible that foods from other types of birds do not suit us either, so we should be careful and avoid eating them. Otherwise, we could suffer unpleasant symptoms.

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