4 Natural Remedies Based On Sodium Bicarbonate

Without a doubt, baking soda is one of our great allies in the home.  It can not only be used to clean different environments, but also as a natural and ideal substitute for various cosmetic applications.

In the following article you will know which are the 4 most effective natural remedies based on sodium bicarbonate. Now, remember to visit your doctor if you think you may have a more serious problem. Given this warning, let’s see the benefits and uses of this compound!

Gingivitis: baking soda can help

This disease or ailment in the gums is much more frequent than we think. Basically it is about the bleeding of these, which occurs mainly when brushing our teeth.

Baking soda in a bowl.

Teeth stain for various reasons, such as smoking, consuming coffee or tea, food with dyes, poor oral hygiene, rickets, aging, etc. The yellowish color is due to the fact that the white enamel that covers the teeth is wearing away and exposing the dentin.

Keep in mind!

Now, the application of bicarbonate to whiten teeth must be careful and without overdoing it. This is mainly due to the effect it causes on tooth enamel.

A correct application can be to use it once a week on average. Some people even use it only once a month.

How should I apply it?

  • To whiten teeth, it is advisable to swish with a preparation of 1 teaspoon of baking soda per half a cup of water.
  • The liquid has to pass through all the teeth and molars. At first you will notice that the taste is somewhat salty, although you should try to endure a little and the mouth will get used to it. But don’t drink that water!
  • Repeat at least two or three times a day (every time you brush your teeth, for example). However, you must remember the warning that we have given you previously.

The good thing about this natural teeth whitening treatment is that you will help prevent bad breath. In addition, it is of great help against canker sores, blisters or any blemish or wound that you have in your mouth.

Baking soda against acne

If we talk about one of the most frequent skin problems, acne is one of them.

This occurs especially in the youth and adolescence stage and can be caused by various factors, such as oily skin, hormonal change, genetic predisposition, diet or environmental changes.

In cream, baking soda can be useful against acne.

The pimples develop in places where the growth of sebaceous follicles is high. Therefore, they are more likely to appear on the face, back, chest and neck.

While most people choose to do acne treatment due to appearance and aesthetics, the truth is that it is also an imbalance in the skin that must be treated so that it does not get worse or become chronic. Baking soda is one of the natural remedies for acne.

What steps should I follow?

  • First clean the face well with mild neutral soap.
  • In a bowl, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with water to form a paste. The consistency should be like a cream.
  • Apply in areas where you have pimples or acne bothers you. Use circular motions to penetrate the skin further and then leave for a few minutes (not many because it can cause irritation or dryness).
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.

You have already seen that baking soda can be a great ally as long as you take the proper precautions. So do you dare to try the natural remedies that we have suggested?

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