Natural Treatment With Coconut Oil To Thicken The Eyelashes

In addition to taking advantage of the natural fatty acids in coconut oil, in this case we are going to reinforce its effects with lemon and lavender, whose antioxidants will protect the eyelashes from the root

The eyelashes have become one of the most careful parts of our face, since their size and shape can help us achieve a more attractive look.

Although the use of masks and cosmetic products helps to give them a better appearance, many are looking for various solutions to thicken them and stimulate their growth. Although until now there is no miracle formula to achieve these effects, continuous use of some ingredients has been found to be helpful.

The most interesting thing is that its application minimizes weakness, combats hair loss and, in the long term, helps to show more expressive and beautiful eyes.

Although many people are already using commercial treatments for their care, there are 100% natural ways to take advantage of all its properties. Among these options we find the prodigious coconut oil that, combined with other components, helps us to give them the desired appearance.

Homemade coconut oil treatment for thick and long eyelashes


Coconut oil is one of the most used products when it comes to both natural cosmetics and chemistry.

The beauty industry uses its extracts to make creams, skin treatments, makeup, and hair products.

It is composed of medium chain fatty acids, vitamin E, minerals and other important nutrients that provide us with wonderful benefits.

In this special case we want to highlight its ability to protect the eyelashes, especially for its cleansing, moisturizing and antioxidant effect.

Coconut oil serum

Effects edit

  • Its regular use removes the impurities accumulated in the skin and the hairs, which is very important to avoid weakening.
  • It also counteracts the negative effects of the chemicals in mascara, which is one of the causes of excessive loss and dryness.
  • Creates a protective layer against the damage caused by the sun’s UV rays and toxins, while increasing its strength, shine and volume.
  • Its vitamins and minerals are easily absorbed into the base of the lashes, achieving natural hydration and, later, healthy growth.
  • In addition, due to its oily texture, it is a good alternative to expensive cleansing creams that are used to remove make-up.

How to prepare this coconut oil treatment to thicken the eyelashes?

Coconut oil

Although the direct application of coconut oil provides many benefits for the care of the eyelashes, below we propose a more complete treatment in which it is combined with the powers of lemon and the essence of lavender.

Lemon contains vitamin C and E, two antioxidants that strengthen them from the roots to control excessive loss.

For its part, lavender has antioxidants and vitamins that accelerate the restructuring of weakened and fine lashes.


  • 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil (15 g)
  • The juice of ΒΌ lemon
  • A teaspoon of lavender essential oil (5 g)
  • 1 airtight glass jar
  • 1 clean mascara brush


  • Melt the organic coconut oil in a water bath and, once it melts, add the juice of a quarter of a lemon and the essential oil of lavender.
  • Take it off the heat, let it sit for a few minutes, and pour it into an airtight glass jar.
  • Once it reaches a safe temperature, proceed to apply it.

How to use

  • Rinse off an unused mascara brush, and make sure it is free of the original product. If you don’t have this item, you can choose to use a cotton swab.
  • Remove eye makeup and wash with a mild soap.
  • Brush the brush with the coconut oil treatment and rub a thin layer from the roots to the tips of the lashes.
  • Be careful when applying it near the eyes, since its lemon content can be a bit irritating if it comes into contact with them.
  • Try to repeat its application every night before sleeping so that its compounds act while you rest.
  • Remember that, like any natural product, you must be constant with its application, since its properties take a while to take effect.

Go ahead and prepare it at home and include it in your nighttime beauty routine to get thicker and more impressive lashes in a short time. In case of weakness, use it twice a day for best results.

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