Cabbage And Carrot Wraps For Inflammatory Diseases

It is possible to help avoid symptoms and prevent the problem by maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. 

Anti-inflammatory foods, such as saffron and macerated garlic, act by preventing or reducing the production of substances in the body that stimulate inflammation of the tissues.

In addition, as a general rule, this type of food helps to strengthen the immune system. This makes the body more resistant against illnesses such as flu, colds and other illnesses.

It is proven that one of the benefits of cabbage and carrots in the body is to help prevent inflammation. Taking advantage of these properties, below, we propose a recipe that includes both ingredients;  cabbage wrapped with carrot.

Chicken with beer

 R elation between diet and inflammatory diseases

The inflammatory response is a self-defense mechanism of the body. When it becomes chronic, it can become a serious health problem. Among the inflammatory diseases we can mention arthritis, fibromyalgia, thyroid disorders and those related to candidiasis; a fungal infection.

It is very important to see a specialist to properly treat the disease. Only a good diagnosis and treatment will adequately solve the ailments.

In addition, it is possible to help avoid symptoms and prevent the problem by maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. There are certain foods that can help the body in this regard. Its anti-inflammatory effect occurs because they contain substances such as omega-3, vitamin C, allicin, natural antioxidants and polyphenols.

People who eat this way are at high risk of inflammatory processes being generated in their blood. In that sense,  one of the best diets to protect yourself is the Mediterranean. Among other ingredients, it is rich in vegetables, fruits, cereals and mono and polyunsaturated fats.

Cabbage and carrot benefits

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that contains many nutrients. Apart from the protein and fiber that it includes, it is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and manganese. Its consumption provides vitamins C, K and the B complex.

The carrot, for its part, is a tuber that has a high percentage of vitamin A, among other nutrients. This vegetable greatly protects the liver from inflammatory processes, as well as the digestive system in general.

These foods are also important in treating pro-inflammatory and chronic diseases. Mainly because they help prevent and reduce the pain produced as a result of this disease.

A good way to eat these beneficial veggies is this delicious carrot cabbage wrap recipe. It is a healthy, nutritious preparation with an exquisite natural flavor. 

Cabbage wrapped with carrot and minced meat

One way to include cabbage in your diet is to use it to wrap various fillings, such as protein or other vegetables. Its large leaves lend themselves to it.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 1 medium cabbage and 1 shredded chicken breast.
  • 2 cups vegetable and bone broth and 1 finely chopped onion.
  • 1 chopped red pepper and 3 crushed garlic cloves.
  • 1 cauliflower and ½ cup of breadcrumbs.
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley.
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped dill.
  • ½ cup of grated carrots and ½ cup of fried tomato.
  • Olive oil, salt and pepper. 

Preparation of the product

First you have to cook the cabbage in enough salted water, for about eight minutes. The exact time will depend on the hardness of the cabbage leaves. After that, the cabbage should be removed, allowed to cool and separate the leaves.

Then, in a frying pan, heat a little olive oil and fry the garlic. Then add the onion and bell pepper. You have to add the chicken to the sauce and continue stirring for a while. After that, add the fried tomato to the meat and cook for another five minutes.

Then add the parsley, dill, cauliflower, carrot and bread. To obtain a very thick and manageable mixture, you must allow the liquid to consume. Arrange the open cabbage leaves and pour two tablespoons of the chicken stew into each one. You can start by folding the sides and finally roll the sheets over.

Then, place the wrapped ones on a tray and cover them with the bone broth. After that,  bake at 175 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Other filling alternatives are lean meat prepared the same way, light cheese, tuna or other cooked fish, legumes or vegetables. A good idea is to prepare a sauce with some vegetables to bathe the wrapped ones before putting them in the oven.

This recipe combines cabbage with carrots, a very pleasant combination to meet the daily nutritional requirements. In addition, thanks to its properties, it serves to prevent or control inflammatory diseases.

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