Dangers Of Abdominal Fat: How To Combat It?

Abdominal fat. There is little else unsightly, annoying and at the same time dangerous. As time goes by, it seems that the fat accumulates in the abdomen, and the usual jeans no longer fit us so well. However, the real problem is not in our image, but in our health.

Our lifestyle and eating habits  increasingly favor that abdominal fat that, in the long term, causes very serious problems that we must take into account, such as heart problems or type 2 diabetes.

The dangers of abdominal fat

According to nutritionists, the increase in abdominal fat in women is related to age. As you get older, your  metabolism slows down, making it harder to burn fat.

Less estrogen is also produced, which appears to affect weight distribution. And although you do not notice an increase in weight, obviously, you can see a change in body composition. This is due to the  “visceral fat” around the internal organs, which is not visible to the naked eye.

And this is a risk to our health, since in the long term it can trigger:

  • Heart diseases.
  • Hypertension.
  • Type 2 diabetes.

Another complication can be the feeling of suffocation, due to the accumulated fat under the diaphragm around the chest wall, which makes it difficult to breathe. Difficulty breathing usually leads to sleep apnea.

How do I know if I have “too much belly fat”?

Abdominal fat in women

Doctors recommend not to exceed the measures  considered dangerous:

  • In the case of women,  88 centimeters from the waist.
  • In the case of men, 102 centimeters.

How can I reduce belly fat?

Reduce abdominal fat

There are very practical guidelines that can help you on a day-to-day basis. Do not be discouraged!

  • Reduce your salt intake.
  • Drink two liters of water a day.
  • Substitute white flour and bread for their whole wheat version
  • Eat whole grains, cereals like buckwheat, and oats.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugar, soft drinks, industrial pastries and pre-cooked meals.
  • Substitute lean meat for red meat.
  • Take a glass of warm water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Walk briskly for half an hour every day, without getting tired, but being constant. A study revealed that there is a fairly significant relationship between sedentary lifestyle and abdominal circumference.

Ask your doctor or a nutritionist for help, put these simple tips into practice and fight abdominal fat. For your health!

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