How To Control Nausea During Pregnancy With Natural Remedies?

Nausea is temporary for most women, but not for others. However, there are natural remedies and certain practices that can help you alleviate them.

Most women experience nausea during pregnancy, some more severe than others. And, although they are common during the first trimester, some women suffer them throughout the gestation period. We must accept that they are part of the process that is being lived and that they will pass over time.

Nausea usually begins in week 6, but it can move forward a couple of weeks and get worse in the following month. However, most pregnant women stop suffering from them after week 14.

Normally, they are due to hormonal changes that take place in early pregnancy. The body of the pregnant woman begins to produce large amounts of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HGC), which is essential for the development of the baby in the first weeks.

Once the placenta takes over the feeding of the baby, the HCG levels decrease and the nausea subsides.  Estrogen production is also skyrocketing and appears to be associated with the sensitivity of smell experienced by many pregnant women. Another factor that can cause nausea and dizziness in pregnant women is heat.

Control nausea during pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy

  • Do not eat so much. Instead of the typical three meals, eat several small meals throughout the day.
  • Leave a soda cookie on your nightstand  to make it the first meal of the day that you eat, as soon as you open your eyes and without getting out of bed.
  • Do not mix liquid foods with solids in the same meal, this will avoid the feeling of fullness.
  • If you have problems with solid foods, when you feel nauseous only drink liquids.
  • Do not eat very greasy or very spicy foods and do not lie down after eating, it is better to remain seated.
  • Pay attention to what your nose tells you.
  • You should be well hydrated, but sip water throughout the day. Leave a glass of water next to your bed to drink before falling asleep and when you wake up.
  • It is important to clean your teeth after eating and, of course, if you have vomited.
  • If you are taking prenatal vitamins, it is best to do it at night when nausea is less frequent. Also, it is good that you take them together with a small meal.

Natural remedies for nausea

ginger to treat nausea during pregnancy

  • Include in your meals foods rich in vitamin B6, such as avocado and plantain (banana or banana) to combat nausea during pregnancy.
  • A ripe papaya salad drizzled with a little honey can make a great snack between meals.
  • A clear chicken and potato soup seasoned with salt helps stabilize you after nausea. Don’t over-season it.
  • You can drink coconut water, which is not only excellent for hydration but also has important nutrients.
  • Make a fresh smoothie or smoothie with carrot, cucumber, apple, and a few mint leaves.
  • Try aromatherapy. Smells of peppermint, spearmint, lemon, tangerine, or orange can soothe nausea.
  • Ginger is a recognized anti-nausea remedy. Taking an infusion with lemon, ginger zest and honey can be very comforting; but you should not abuse ginger, as it can be counterproductive due to the itchiness it has. Ginger supplements are not recommended.

Not necessarily what bothers you during this early stage of pregnancy will continue to bother you later. So accept calmly what you stopped liking today, it is very likely that you will return to it later.

Nausea during pregnancy complicates the task of eating. It is even normal for you to lose a few grams or kilos in the first trimester of pregnancy. It happens to many women. As long as you are under medical supervision, there is no reason to worry about that initial weight loss as it will not affect the development of the baby.

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