What To Do If Your Ex Wants Friendship?

In order to be able to establish a friendship with an ex, it is important to have passed the period of mourning after the breakup and that both are clear about their feelings regarding the other

When a relationship is over, that “we can continue being friends” generates many doubts. Although we try to handle things maturely, we know that this idea of ​​friendship is not the best.

What to do if your ex wants friendship? Do you still want it? Don’t you feel the same anymore? Considering that it is a very frequent situation, today we want to address the subject in depth from several points of view.

No matter how deteriorated the relationship is, there will always be one who is more hurt than the other. And, although there are mixed feelings, there is no shortage of those who want to excuse themselves in friendship to try to recover the lost love.

Although there are cases in which both manage to finish in “good condition”, most of the time it is better to take distance and time. Thus neither will feed illusions or prolong suffering.

My ex wants us to be friends, why?

Can you have a friendship with your ex?

Whenever there is a love breakup, two things can happen: you get into a conflict with your ex and you can’t understand each other, or you are lucky enough to build a healthy relationship without either of you trying to “recover.”

The latter would be ideal when there have been many important moments involved. However, it is usually difficult for both of you to agree to end things well.

Wanting a friendship when there has been another type of emotional and sexual bond does not usually work in most cases. There is almost always one of the two who wants, in some way, to stay close to try to win back the other.

In fact, the situation can be very tense, since insecurity, jealousy and other feelings reign. These arise from the fact of not wanting to continue with that person anymore.

Why is he asking you to be friends?

Sometimes there is no bad intention. It may be the desire to take things well, because the two of you did not know how to understand each other as a couple.

However, it is almost always an excuse to continue having the other close. Sometimes out of selfishness and other times because he hopes to rebuild what has already been lost.

It is a good idea? It all depends on the circumstances. If you no longer feel the same for that person, it is better to push them away so as not to create false illusions from a supposed friendship.

If you have a strong feeling and you are the one who wants to fix things, speak up about your intentions. You could end up suffering more than if you walked away after the breakup.

Can you have a friendship with your ex?

Can you have a friendship with your ex?

Considering the above, we can conclude that the healthiest thing is to let things end. Even if you both agree to build a friendship, it is important to let time heal those consequences that remain after the breakup.

When the illusion of being with that person remains, it is possible to take advantage of the rapprochement of friendship to win it back. However, it is better to know what the other’s real intentions are so as not to make more mistakes.

Keep in mind that some ex-partners excuse themselves in friendship to continue manipulating the other. Or, even, to continue having sexual contact even if you no longer feel love.

For this reason, it is best to take time to reflect on this situation before making a decision. Taking advantage of the fact that you know his way of being, you can get an idea of ​​what he really wants.

You don’t know how to get out of this situation?

What to do if your ex wants friendship?

You are not under the obligation to have a friendship with your ex partner, even if they ask you to. If after reflection you concluded that it is better to walk away, talk to that person and tell them your reasons.

Sometimes, even if it hurts, it is better to accept that things are over and that being close can be more damaging than taking distance. Take time, think about your priorities, and give yourself the opportunity to meet new people.

Every breakup in love must go through a grieving process so that feelings cool down and new opportunities to love arrive. If you allow that person to continue to hold on through friendship, you can cause and cause harm.

Time is the one that has the last word. The challenge is to overcome what you have experienced, heal your wounds and free yourself from anger. In the future you may be able to have a good relationship, even if you don’t get to the point of being friends.

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