Hash Brown Saucepan With Vegetables And Cheese

The Cheese & Veggie Hash Brown Casserole is a blend of ingredients and techniques that is not only delicious, but also great for satiating your appetite with a single meal at lunchtime or in the evening.

The hash brown is a technique that consists of taking the potatoes, either cut into julienne, strips, diced or crushed and frying them. For example, you can take a mashed potato and fry it. In short, it is like a kind of potato omelette, but without an egg.

What not everyone knows is that other ingredients can be added to this preparation, such as vegetables, greens and cheese. Here’s how to do it, step by step.

Hash brown cheese casserole


  • ½ kg of potatoes (500 g).
  • Salt and pepper to taste).
  • 1 stick of butter (125 g).
  • 1 medium onion, chopped (80 g).
  • Grated Swiss-type cheese (the amount needed).
  • 2 cans of condensed mushroom cream (300 g each).
  • Optional: chunks of sausage or turkey mortadella. 

Cheese to add to recipes.


  • Wash the potatoes well, peel them and discard the skins.
  • Grate the potatoes with a cheese grater or a shredder and place on a wooden board in a thin layer.
  • Dry the potatoes with absorbent paper.
  • Heat a skillet over medium heat. Melt the butter and stir gently until the bottom is completely covered.
  • Place the potatoes in the pan, distributing them evenly on the bottom. Salt and pepper.
  • Reduce the heat and let the potatoes cook until the underside is browned, which can take between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the power of the cooker and the type of pan.
  • Flip the potatoes with a spatula, making sure that the uncooked part of the potatoes is always facing down.
  • Wait for them to brown on the other side and turn off the heat.
  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Grease a baking dish with oil.
  • Aside, mix the grated cheese, cream of mushrooms, butter and onion in a large bowl.
  • Place the hash browns mixture in the baking dish and pour the cream mixture on top.
  • Bake for 45 minutes until the top is golden brown.

Hash brown with cheese and meat.

Hash brown vegetable casserole


  • Mixed vegetables (250 g).
  • ½ kg of potatoes (500 g).
  • Salt and pepper to taste).
  • 1 tablespoon of flour (10 g).
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 cup of sweet cream (100 g).
  • ½ cup of cream cheese (50 g).
  • 4 tablespoons of butter (40 g).
  • ½ onion finely chopped (60-80 g).
  • 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese (100 g).
  • Oil for frying (the necessary amount).


  • Wash the potatoes well, peel them and discard the skins.
  • Grate the potatoes with a cheese grater or a shredder and place on a wooden board in a thin layer.
  • Dry the potatoes with absorbent paper.
  • Heat a skillet over medium heat. Melt the butter and stir gently until the bottom is completely covered.
  • Place the potatoes in the pan, distributing them evenly on the bottom. Salt and pepper.
  • Reduce the heat and let the potatoes cook until the underside is browned, which can take between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the power of the cooker and the type of pan.
  • Flip the potatoes, making sure that the uncooked part of the potatoes is always on the bottom.
  • Wait for them to brown and turn off the heat.
  • Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
  • In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter and sauté the onion and garlic. Add the flour and mix.
  • Add the sweet cream, vegetables and cream cheese. Cook and mix until the filling thickens. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Place half of the potatoes in a previously greased baking dish and cover with the vegetable filling. Top with the leftover potatoes and top with the cheddar cheese.
  • Bake at 200ºC until the cheese is browned.

potato gratin

To enjoy!

A hash brown casserole  with vegetables and cheese can be a single dish for lunch or dinner, but can also be served with a light portion of mixed salad. And if you are concerned about protein, you can substitute the salad for a steamed chicken or fish fillet. 

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