4 Eating Habits To Improve The Health Of Your Thyroid

Did you know that to take care of your thyroid health it is very important that you reduce the consumption of processed foods and that of those of organic and natural origin is especially important?

Are you dealing with your thyroid health ? If so, you may have already realized that good lifestyle habits are key, above all, feeding, as it allows to regulate the functioning of this gland.

In case you are still not sure which foods you should eat and which ones to avoid, keep reading that we will tell you in more detail below so that you can configure a diet capable of providing you benefits.

Why is it so important to take care of your thyroid health?

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck, in the anterior and upper part of the windpipe. Its primary function is the production of hormones.

When there is an imbalance, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can occur , depending on whether there is an increase or decrease in the work of the thyroid. These pathologies trigger changes in energy metabolism, which can be crucial for weight loss or gain.

Habits to improve your thyroid health

Maintaining the health of your thyroid should not be complicated if you eat a balanced and healthy diet. The problem we face today is that eating natural foods is difficult with so much ultra-processed product.

However, there are products that you should always include. Here you have them:

1. Include iodine in your diet

Iodine is an essential element for your body, specifically for the production of thyroid hormones in the body. For this reason, when there is a deficiency during the pregnancy , the baby may be born a certain degree of mental retardation.

Throughout life, it is important that you include iodine in your diet so that the thyroid maintains its proper function . The normal thing is that your doctor gives you an iodine supplement if he suspects a possible deficiency of this mineral.

Frequent consumption of iodine-rich breath reduces the risk of developing subclinical hypotoroidism, according to a publication in the  Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. This condition can get worse over time if it is not remedied in time.

2. Eat blueberries every week

Blueberries are one of the best fruits that nature gives us. They are low in fat, sodium and cholesterol. In turn, they have a high content of Iodine (½ cup contains 400 mg of iodine) , in fiber, in antioxidants and in vitamins C and K.

We recommend that you include two cups of blueberries a week in your diet. Take advantage of their flavor and include them in your salads or use them as a snack accompanied by a serving of protein.

Its anthocyanin content will reduce the risk of developing diseases in the medium and long term, as stated in an article published in the Nutrients magazine  The regular intake of these fruits is associated with a lower degree of inflammation.

A good option is to include cranberry juice as part of your smoothies. In this way you will give a good flavor to those vegetables that you do not like so much. An easy option is the following.


  • walnuts.
  • Ice cubes (to taste).
  • 1 cup of baby  spinach (60 g).
  • 1 cup of cranberry juice (250 ml).


  • Blend all the ingredients until smooth.
  • Serve and drink immediately.

3. Include potatoes in your diet

The potato is a tuber native to America provides 60 milligrams of iodine per piece . However, to really reap the benefits you have to make sure you cook it the right way.  

  • Low fat: it is best eaten baked or cooked. To give it a little flavor, add salt, but with measure.
  • Combined with other vegetables to take advantage of its satiating effect and add fiber.
  • Don’t overdo it. Because it is high in carbohydrates, you should eat a maximum of one medium potato a day.

Something you should avoid is consuming large amounts of potatoes in their commercial versions. These contain high levels of trans fats, low-quality salt, and preservatives that could affect the health of your thyroid.

4. Eat as naturally as possible

To be honest, how many frozen, canned, or processed products do you eat per day? Check your cupboard and you will surely be surprised to discover that the vast majority have this feature.

Because your thyroid health is all about hormones, it is important to keep your body as free as possible from foods that alter them. This includes chemicals, sweeteners, preservatives, etc.

Ideally, eat fresh and seasonal food

We recommend that you do the test for a few months. You will discover that it is not that complicated. You only need:

  • Change box cereals for natural cereals. In most local markets you will find natural versions of oats, wheat, amaranth and quinoa, among others. The advantage is that they are also cheaper.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables seasonal. Being seasonal, they are less likely to have gone through a freezing process that affects their nutrients.

If you dare, you can even make your own garden at home.

  • Prepare your homemade versions. Yogurt and soda are two examples of products that have substitutes that are easy to make at home. As for soft drinks, change them for infusions or flavored waters that you prepare.
  • Make your own snacks to kill hunger between meals. From homemade ice cream to seed bags, you will always have options to satisfy cravings without worrying about chemicals that can alter the health of your thyroid.

Improve your diet to improve your thyroid health

Remember that your thyroid health can be easily regulated by making the right changes. Eating a varied and healthy diet, prioritizing the consumption of fresh products over processed ones, can help you prevent problems with the functioning of this gland.

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