9 Habits That Will Help You Make Your Mornings Better

Do you want to know some simple but effective habits to improve your mornings? Most people tend to have a hectic, multi-activity early morning.

The desire to continue sleeping a little more and having to comply with certain schedules cause a feeling of anxiety and eagerness that lasts for the rest of the day.

However, no matter how little time you have at this time of the day, there are a series of habits that can be adopted to make them more productive and healthy. On this occasion we want to share the 9 most interesting and easy to start so that you do not hesitate to make them part of your life.

9 habits that will help you make your mornings better

1. Wake up a little earlier

Good morning habits

It’s a lot to ask, we know. But it is preferable to wake up 15 or 20 minutes before being in a hurry  to complete those first tasks of the day.

Think that if you have a little more time you can take a relaxed shower, have a leisurely breakfast or carry out some other good habit for your health. The solution to recover the hours of sleep is to go to sleep earlier, or resort to a short nap.

2. Don’t turn off the alarm without getting up first.

One of the mistakes we make the most in the morning is turning off the alarm to sleep “5 more minutes.” Practicing this over and over again becomes a time-wasting habit.

It is important to fight to start the day right from the moment the alarm goes off. Although it seems that nothing happens to sleep a little more, the reality is that later this translates into more feelings of sleep and fatigue.

3. Get organized the night before

Get organized the night before

The second of the habits that we propose is very simple but effective. Every day before going to sleep you can check what are those things that you will have to do the next day. 

This way you can put things in order in advance so that in the morning they do not take away valuable time. You will notice the difference!

4. Exercise

Doing some physical exercise before starting the rest of the day is a great way to wake up. Thus, we are able to activate each of the body’s functions.

This habit improves blood circulation, combats fatigue and stimulates the metabolism to work at a good pace during the day. Worth it!

5. Avoid checking emails or social networks

Avoid checking emails or social networks

There are also bad habits to avoid. Starting the day by checking emails or social networks is not a very healthy thing to say. In fact, sometimes we find things that the only thing that causes us is stress, anguish or sadness.

Those first few minutes of the morning should be reserved for making a strategic plan, meditating or doing some creative task. The schedule to start using electronic devices is from 9 or 10 in the morning.

6. Consume warm water with lemon on an empty stomach

Many cannot imagine all the benefits that are brought to the body when starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water. Nonetheless, it is a great health remedy.

This drink is alkalizing, promotes detoxification and metabolism. In addition, it is a good way to hydrate the body so that it works well for the rest of the day.

  • Consume the drink and wait at least 30 minutes before eating your normal breakfast.

7. Take a cold shower

Take a cold shower

A cold shower can do a lot for your body and your health. Although it can be a bit lazy, it brings benefits at the circulatory, skin and emotional level.

Its daily practice will help us to remove the feeling of sleep and be more active for the rest of the day. In addition, it will maintain good hydration and firmness of the skin.

8. Eat a healthy breakfast

A thousand times we will remember: breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for no reason should it be ignored.

This food provides the body with energy and all the nutrients it requires for good physical and mental functioning. Remember that coffee with cookies does not count as a healthy breakfast. It should contain:

  • Fruits or vegetables.
  • Whole grains.
  • Some source of protein.
  • Healthy fats.

9. Plan the activities of the day

Plan the activities of the day

While you have your breakfast calmly, think about the tasks that you must accomplish during the day and try to point out the slopes. If you identify that you have a lot to do, select the priority and do it calmly to avoid stress.

Ready for the challenge? Incorporate each of these practices into your mornings and see that many things in your life improve for the better.

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