How To Clean The Stove And Microwave Naturally

Unlike other rooms in the home, cleaning the kitchen requires certain specific knowledge for the correct treatment of the appliances found there. In that sense, cleaning the stove and microwave can be a somewhat complicated task, unless you have strategies like the following.

Using the stove itself can lead to sauce being splattered or dirty with food debris. Something similar happens with the microwave; they are elements that, day after day, are exposed to constant dirt. Therefore, it will be very useful to have recommendations like the ones we list below.

Tips to clean the stove and microwave naturally

Here are some valuable tips to get rid of the dirt that can affect these everyday appliances. Best of all, you can do it completely naturally and without resorting to expensive chemical products.

Tricks to clean the stove

Hot water as the first ally

If the stove has a superficial layer of grease that we must remove, there is nothing more effective than hot water to achieve this. Heat some water in a pot and pour it over the dirty surface. You don’t need to add too much; the purpose is only to remove and soften the adhering dirt.

After waiting a few minutes for the boiling water to do its job, proceed to clean as you used to. You can use a soft sponge or a steel one, depending on the material of the appliance.

Baking soda and lemon

These two natural ingredients can form an excellent solution for cleaning the stove and microwave, although in this case we will focus on the first of these two options.

What do you need?

  • 3 or 4 tablespoons of baking soda (27 or 36 g)
  • The juice of 2 or 3 lemons

Note: Amounts will vary depending on the amount of fat attached.

What should you do?

  • Mix both ingredients. You will see that a paste will form that will foam at first.
  • When it’s finished bubbling, apply it on the stove and let it take effect.
  • Then use a sponge – preferably steel, if the surface allows – and scrub to remove dirt. Finally, remove the remains with a cloth and plenty of water.

Alcohol and cotton

Did you know that alcohol is another element that can help you when cleaning the stove and microwave?

  • What you have to do is soak the cotton in alcohol and rub it all over the dirty surface.
  • Then, after waiting a few minutes, rub them again with an old toothbrush also soaked in alcohol.
  • Lastly, wipe with a dry cloth to remove any cleaning residue.

    Tips for cleaning the microwave

    With water and lemon

    This trick is extremely simple, but very useful.

    What do you need?

    • The juice of 1 lemon wedge
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • 1 parsley leaf or 1 teaspoon of baking soda (4 g) (optional)

    What should you do?

    • Place a lemon wedge or squeeze its juice into a glass of water; You can also add a parsley leaf or a teaspoon of baking soda.
    • Then, you’ll need to turn the appliance on at high power for a couple of minutes  – the duration, actually, will depend on each microwave. The idea is that the steam from the water sticks to the walls, so you should see the glass misted.

    At that moment, open the door and remove the glass very carefully so as not to burn yourself. Next, you just have to complete the process by wiping a kitchen cloth all over the inside. The appliance should now be perfectly clean and also well deodorized.

    Using baking soda

    This element allows to specify a cleaning as fast and effective as the previous point.

    • You just have to place a tablespoon of baking soda (9 g) on ​​a damp sponge and then wipe it inside the appliance.
    • As a final step, rinse with plenty of water and wipe the walls dry.
    • Do not forget to also remove the plate and the wheels, since they get dirty and can accumulate a bad smell. Wash it by hand like a normal plate.

    Vinegar to disinfect

    The third tip on this list points to another natural element that you surely have in your house: vinegar. With it, you can quickly clean, disinfect and deodorize the microwave ; however, the aroma it will leave behind will not be as pleasant as lemon.

    What do you need?

    • 1 tablespoon of white vinegar (15 ml)
    • 1 ½ glass of water (300 ml)

    What should you do?

    • Add the white vinegar together with the water in a glass bowl  and put it in the microwave. Turn it on for about 3 minutes on high power.
    • Then, as in the previous case, simply proceed to clean with a cloth when the interior has cooled down. If you use baking soda and water on the cleaning cloth, you will notice that it will be even easier to remove the dirt.

    As you can see, cleaning the stove and microwave does not require great secrets or expensive products. With just a little ingenuity and a few specific ingredients, this task can be completed in a matter of minutes.

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