4 Dietary Recommendations To Regulate Cholesterol

Learn to regulate your cholesterol fast, without complications and without drugs. One of our dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol is that you consume a high amount of fiber every day.

Has your doctor told you that you have high cholesterol levels? In that case, they may have given you some medications and recommendations to control it. . Increase your improvement with the following dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol.

You will realize that they are practical and very fast advice. The best thing is that they are easy to incorporate and will not force you to spend more. Clever? Take note and put them into practice today.

What is cholesterol?

Before giving you the dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol, you should know that it is produced by the liver. Through cholesterol , the cells of your body receive the correct amount of nutrients.

The problem appears when those fats you eat are of poor quality. In this case, the lipid profile will be affected and the level of LDL lipoprotein oxidation will be higher. This can negatively affect health, according to an article published in the journal BMJ.

Dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol

1. Eat monounsaturated fats

It is believed that having high cholesterol you have to stop eating all kinds of fats. Actually, one of the dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol is to consume healthy lipids.

Monounsaturated fats increase the amount of HDL cholesterol. This is the good cholesterol that we all need in high amounts.

Among the foods that provide this type of lipid are: olive oil, walnuts, canola oil, olives, coconut oil, almonds, egg and avocado.

Therefore, try to include one of these fats at all times (breakfast, lunch and dinner). When buying them, it is important that you choose the best quality ones so that the results are optimal.

Just remember to watch your portions as you can easily overindulge in calories. One thing you should never do is mix two natural fats unless you have well controlled portions.

For example, if you add nuts to your salad, avoid dressing with oil. Instead, add a splash of flavor with a vinaigrette or similar dressing.

2. Add polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3s

Foods rich in omega 3

Another of the dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol is to consume enough omega-3s. Like monounsaturated fats, omega-3s lower the amount of LDL cholesterol, according to a study published in 2016.

In a study it was found that people who change common omega-3 fats reduce :

  • LDL cholesterol.
  • Insulin resistance.
  • The risk of type 2 diabetes.

The best foods to obtain this type of fat are: salmon, tuna, walnuts and shrimp.

Also, a good way to know that you are getting enough omega-3s is to add a serving of oily fish twice a week to your diet. Now, although salmon is well known for its omega-3s, it is not mandatory that you consume it.

In addition to salmon, you can eat fresh natural tuna, not canned. This fish is also a very healthy food source.

3. Avoid trans fats at all costs

Another of the dietary recommendations to regulate cholesterol is to avoid trans fats as much as possible. These are usually present in foods that have been heavily processed, such as margarines, cakes, and commercial breads.

They are one of the most used elements in the food industry because they have greater resistance to ambient temperature. In addition, they provide better texture.

Despite these benefits, trans fats a fect to the health of your heart and reduce the amount of HDL cholesterol.

Therefore, when buying processed, ready-to-eat or frozen foods, check the label. Ideally, you should avoid those that say something similar to “partially hydrogenated.”

4. Eat enough soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is a compound found in vegetables that it is difficult to dissolve in water and that the stomach does not digest. This means that it reaches the digestive tract almost completely and forces them to work.

In addition, it is a vital element for the correct reproduction of beneficial intestinal bacteria (probiotics). When your body has the correct amount of probiotics, negative cholesterol decreases drastically.

Diet can influence the lipid profile

When modulating the lipid profile, it is necessary to modify a series of habits. A varied and balanced diet, together with the practice of physical activity on a regular basis, significantly reduces cardiovascular risk. 

Eating mono and polyunsaturated lipids and reducing the consumption of those of the trans type will improve your HDL lipoprotein levels. It will also help reduce the oxidation rate of LDL cholesterol, a parameter related to cardiovascular risk.

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