Little-known Benefits Of Practicing Crossfit

In addition to being an integral exercise with which we exercise the whole body, thanks to the practice of CrossFit we will be able to accelerate our metabolism and we will be able to continue burning calories long after leaving the gym

The crossfit has become number one trend sport. It is a method of strength and conditioning training that allows you to work and tone the entire body, while gaining great resistance.

This type of training, which emerged in the United States, has been around the globe and is practiced in many countries. It continues to add followers around the world, given how entertaining and effective it is.

There are even competitions that are broadcast on television. Are you curious? In that case, keep reading because below we will tell you a little more about this type of training that began in the police and is now available to everyone.

What to know about crossfit?


As we have been commenting, crossfit is a modality that combines military training on the one hand and fitness on the other . And it adds more and more followers! This is because it offers excellent short-term results, perfect for burning calories that we have consumed for a long time.

A session is composed of:

  • Jumps.
  • Push-ups.
  • Weight lifting.
  • Trot, etc.

It is, without a doubt, very energetic and aims to increase physical capacities. The creator of this technique is called Greg Glassman and he began using it in 2001 to train a group of police officers in California (United States). It quickly spread to the navy, firefighters, and military.

Later, it became a discipline for all those who were not in an armed force.

It is so effective that many groups of athletes (such as rugby players) use Crossfit for training. In this case, they combine good nutrition and adequate rest, as it should be done when doing any sport.

Advantages of practicing crossfit

By starting with this type of high intensity training you will not only burn fat, but you will also:

You will improve your aerobic capacity

  • You will increase lung resistance to be able to perform other activities better. You will no longer get tired when you want to run to catch the bus!
  • Aerobic capacity is estimated to improve by 10%.

You will lose weight

  • After 10 weeks of training crossfit you will lose up to 4% of your body weight,  making it ideal for those who are overweight or obese and for those who want to lose “those extra kilos”.

You will eliminate fat

  • The percentage of body fat will be reduced considerably (between 13 and 19%) when practicing this discipline for 2 and a half months.

You will increase lean mass

You will increase-the-lean-mass

  • This is much more visible in women, but the effects are interesting in both genders.
  • Lean mass is what appears when burning fat.

You will work all muscle groups

  • Unlike what happens with other exercise routines (such as lifting weights), Crossfit performs integral movements, working the whole body.
  • It is, without a doubt, a very complete exercise.

You will achieve your goals in less time

  • Thanks to a training routine of this type you will be able to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • If you have already tried other disciplines and have not obtained what you were looking for, perhaps crossfit can help you.
  • You will speed up your metabolism and will be able to continue burning calories long after you leave the gym.

You will have more strength

  • If you can never open a bottle, if you find it difficult to carry a very heavy bag or if you do not have the strength to use a tool, with crossfit that will be a thing of the past.
  • You will have more muscle tone and the ability to improve in your daily life.

You will stylize your figure

You will stylize your figure

  • If you are looking to have a splendid body for the holidays of July or August, start as soon as possible.
  • It is estimated that at 8 weeks you will have achieved a figure that will be the envy of everyone on the beach.

To keep in mind

The negative part of crossfit has to do with injuries, so it is necessary to follow the coach’s explanations to the letter and go at your own pace, regardless of what other teammates do.

Many make the mistake of wanting to lift a large amount of weight the first day or do 200 push-ups in the first class and that is detrimental to health.

A good number of those who crossfit incorrectly have suffered injuries (minor to severe). The same percentage of injured athletes is seen in traditional weightlifting, but it is lower than in certain contact sports such as rugby.

Can women practice crossfit ?


This is a very common query because it is considered that, being an intensive training, crossfit is not suitable for female athletes. However, they can also practice it. It is not a sport only for men as many believe.

Unlike what happens with bodybuilding or bodybuilding,  with crossfit classes a slim and aesthetic figure is achieved and not a muscular body that is far from the canons of feminine beauty pre-established by most.

The crossfit can lose fat accumulated in the belly or thighs faster than any other sport or routine.

It can be similar to spinning , for example, but it is more comprehensive and fun. Some also indicate that it has effects very similar to those of training boxing or some martial art combined with aerobics, such as Tae Bo .

In addition to the general benefits that have been detailed before in relation to the practice of Crossfit , we can add other specific ones in the case that the athlete is a woman:

You will improve your self-esteem

  • Women tend to get very depressed for not having the body as they would like.
  • This exercise will help not only to shape your figure, but also to avoid depression, improve your attitude and love yourself more.

You will be stronger

You will be stronger

  • You can do everything you set your mind to and much more.
  • That way they won’t be able to say you’re of the weaker sex! It will help you in any aspect of your life, in the simple tasks of home or work.

Do you dare to try crossfit ?

It is worth noting that age is not an impediment to practicing a crossfit routine . As in all sports, each one must train according to their physical abilities.

There are many cases of women up to 70 years old who train and have no problems. If you start in your youth or adulthood, you will feel much better in your senior years, whether you do an exercise or not.

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