Are You A Nice Person?

The nice person has a vision of life that allows him to see it without prejudice. It is the one that looks you in the eye and knows how to listen when you need it.

Do you consider yourself a nice person? If so, you should know that people who enjoy a special sympathy usually act in a specific way.

Surely you have been in contact with individuals who awaken something special in you that you do not know how to name. When they are close they make you feel good, happy. This is what a nice person can do. Do you want to know if you are one of them?

A nice person often smiles.

Confident woman.

It does not matter how bad they may be having or how negative everything around them is being. A nice person smiles even though inside he is totally devastated.

This does not mean that he pretends, but that he knows that in the worst circumstances it is positivism that will allow us to move on. Also, a smile is the best cover letter that will attract the people around you.

A nice person looks into your eyes

Looking into the eyes expresses sincerity, but above all trust. Have you ever interacted with someone who didn’t look you in the eye? The situation can become very uncomfortable and you may even think that he is not paying attention to you.

A nice person knows that the look is the key to establish a great emotional connection with others. Also, this generates empathy and sympathy at the same time.

They are usually outgoing

Why are we laughing?

The fact that they are usually outgoing does not mean that they are not ashamed. There are many situations that pull them back, but they fight them with courage and believing the phrase of I can!

In addition to all this, they are very open, which makes them the best people with whom to start a beautiful friendship. They do not judge and have a vision of life that invites you to see it without prejudice and with great optimism. In addition, they know how to accept that they have been wrong and never impose the vision they have on things.

They are socially intelligent

As you may well have guessed, a nice person has no problem starting conversations with individuals they don’t know and others tend to like them. However, this does not mean that you have to be socially intelligent.

What does this mean? Who know how to get away from the most toxic people or those with whom there is no such thing as a feeling .

We cannot get along with everyone and this is very important to know how to act in the best way without making life bitter.

They know how to listen

A nice person enjoys the pleasant habit of knowing how to listen to others. An attentive, sincere and concerned listening makes it very supportive.

For authentic and sympathetic people, the pleasure of listening to another person and thereby alleviating or even brightening their day cannot be described in words.

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They are very spontaneous

Friends sharing a meal.

Spontaneity is frowned upon on certain occasions, but sometimes it is fun to see how someone does not follow certain conventions.

Being yourself and behaving naturally does not imply wanting to attract attention, if you laugh out loud or say something unexpected. You are simply being you.

It is true that not everyone can become a nice person. Sometimes we are characterized by being edges, getting too angry or having a very strong character.

Each of us must know each other to be able to take advantage of all the good that it has  and learn from those who are so different.

For example, from nice people we can pick up the great optimism that helps them instill encouragement to those they love the most.

Also, the fact of laughing, even though we are at the bottom of a well. Your strength will never be defeated, unless you want it to. Do you consider yourself a nice person?

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