8 Natural Remedies That You Can Make With Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),  also known as hydrogen peroxide, is a product present in most homes and that may have some uses that are not commonly known. In general, it is used to treat and disinfect wounds, as it has a high antibacterial power, however, it can be taken advantage of both aesthetically and for health.

Now, naturally, hydrogen peroxide must be packaged in a dark bottle and must be at 3%,  or failing that, at a maximum of 5%, otherwise, it can be harmful when used.

Next, let’s see some of the uses that hydrogen peroxide can be given.

Fight acne

Fight acne

The disinfecting action of hydrogen peroxide helps to eliminate some bacteria, as well as it can help to dry the excess oil present on the face. Despite this, it is very important to be careful with the amounts to be used. 

Some studies show that disinfectants tend to delay wound healing, such as a study conducted in January 2009, which concluded that “the data suggested that H2O2 and iodine are poor choices, as they could delay the contribution of fibroblasts to the healing process. ” This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to dilute hydrogen peroxide to use it against acne.

How to use hydrogen peroxide in acne treatment?

  • First, in a previously disinfected glass container, add 3 tablespoons (12 ml) of drinking water along with 1 tablespoon (4 ml) of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to stir a few seconds to ensure that both are well linked.
  • Now, once having both waters mixed in the container, the second thing would be to wash the face and / or the areas of the body affected by acne very well.
  • As a third  step, we proceed to apply a little of the mixture of both waters using a piece of disinfected cotton or a small gauze.
  • As the fourth and last step we find that we must let the mixture dry and act for a period of 5 to 8 minutes and then shower to remove it completely from the areas where we apply it.
  • Important note: It is not recommended to apply all over the skin as it can result in irritation and can also cause dryness.

Disinfect wounds

Definitely, disinfecting wounds is one of its most common uses, thanks to the fact that it can fight bacteria and it is antiseptic.

How to use it?

  • It is enough to impregnate a piece of cotton or gauze with the product, making sure that they are disinfected of course. Then apply it on the wound. Let’s not forget that hands must be very clean too.

Fight toenail and foot fungus


Athlete’s foot and nail fungus can be very annoying and painful for those who suffer from it.

The oxidative factor in hydrogen peroxide is considered an effective aid against nail fungus.

How to use it?

  • For both cases, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts of water and immerse your feet there for 20 minutes.
  • Ideally, repeat the same treatment 2 or 3 times a day to eliminate fungi in less time.

Sore throat and colds

Because it is considered an antibacterial, hydrogen peroxide helps fight bacteria that cause a sore throat.

How to use it?

  • First, you need to mix 125 ml of warm water with 60 ml of hydrogen peroxide, then you can gargle. Important: It should not be ingested.
  • These gargles also help prevent colds and flu, since the bacteria that are eliminated are also associated with these two conditions.

Lighten hair


According to popular beliefs, in terms of aesthetics, it helps to lighten natural hair ; In fact, it can be very useful to lighten the hairs that appear in the upper part of the mouth, however, today there are many who prefer to opt for waxing or laser hair removal.

It is said that it is not recommended to use it on dark hair,  as it could shed an orange coloration that would not result in something very aesthetic.

How to use it?

  • The first thing would be to mix equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle.
  • Then, it is proceeded to spray it on the area of ​​the hair that you want to lighten.
  • Another option is to add a little hydrogen peroxide to your usual shampoo and use it as usual.


Its antiseptic properties make it  a good ingredient to prepare a homemade mouthwash since, being so powerful, it helps eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath.

A study from the University of Amsterdam found that hydrogen peroxide helps reduce gum inflammation caused by plaque bacteria.

How to use it?

  • Mix 1 and a half tablespoons (6 ml) of hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoons (12 ml) of water and rinse before brushing.
  • Dilute it for a few seconds and set it aside while you brush.
  • When you finish brushing your teeth, you can rinse your mouth for 1 minute and a half.
  • Some people have used this product undiluted, but this is not recommended as it could be harsh.

Reduce cloth


Because it contains agents that help whiten, this product is ideal for reducing the annoying cloth that appears on the face as a result of sun exposure and hormonal changes.

How to use?

  • Soak a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and apply it to all affected areas, with gentle rotating movements.
  • You can use up to 3 or 4 disinfected pieces of cotton and massage the affected areas for 1 minute with each one.
  • When finished, rinse the area with plenty of warm water or take a regular night.

Clean ears

Wax buildup in the ears can be annoying and sometimes detrimental to hearing health. For this reason, Dr. Richard Freeman, chief of the division of otolaryngology at Lakewood Hospital, recommends using a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to remove wax that can collect water and infect the ears.

How to use it?

  • First, mix 1 tablespoon (4 ml) of warm water and 1 tablespoon (4 ml) of hydrogen peroxide, and after diluting it well, you should put a couple of drops in each ear.
  • Once you have the drops of the mixture inside the ear socket, make sure to dry thoroughly by turning your head with the ear side down.
  • It is recommended to do it between 1 or 2 times a month, with intervals of 15 days.

Remember that our health is very important, so it is suggested to visit a doctor or a specialist in case any ailment or infection persists. Do not miss this tip as the most decisive of all.


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