Andropause: Symptoms That A Man Should Know

For years, it has been debated whether men experience something like menopause, like women. The truth is that andropause and menopause are similar processes, although they are not the same. Both are stages linked to age and the decrease in certain hormones.

Andropause is that, with age, there is a drop in testosterone production. Testosterone is the hormone that is produced in the testicles and adrenal glands. It handles numerous functions.

For example, as is well known, testosterone helps maintain sexual desire. In addition, it influences bone health and even strength and energy. However, unlike menopause, the arrival of andropause does not mean that men are no longer fertile.

Some men are not even aware that they are going through this process. Therefore, in this article we explain what andropause consists of and what its most frequent symptoms are. We will also talk about your possible treatments.

What is andropause?

As we have already mentioned, testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testicles and in the adrenal glands. Although many people only associate it with sexual functions, the truth is that it intervenes in many other parts and functions of the human body.

First, testosterone influences bone and muscle mass. Helps maintain muscle tone, as well as providing a feeling of energy and well-being. It is also related to the growth of body hair.

Women also have testosterone, although at much lower levels than men. In men, from the age of 30 this hormone begins to decrease, but progressively.

It is estimated that, around the age of 45, testosterone levels have decreased enough that you notice some symptoms of andropause. In fact, at 50 years of age the concentration is almost half that of young people.

However, it is not just a question of aging. There are many other conditions that can accelerate and exacerbate andropause. For example, drug or alcohol use can have a significant influence. The same goes for stress or obesity.

andropause and menopause

What are the symptoms of andropause?

Andropause is a slow and progressive process. Many men are not even aware of it and do not suffer from any symptoms. However, there are others that do undergo great changes. In fact, they are often more sensitive than normal, or in a lower mood.

One of the most common symptoms of this process is a lack of energy. Men tend to be more fatigued and have less muscle strength. In addition, it is often accompanied by sleep disturbances, so this fatigue is even more accentuated.

It is very important to note that the greatest impact of this process is usually in the sexual sphere. In fact, it is the first thing that usually alerts men. It is normal that the sexual desire decreases and that there is some difficulty in having an erection.

Even ejaculations tend to be smaller. Some people experience dizziness, headaches, and tingling in the limbs. For this reason, certain times, a treatment may be indicated.

andropause medical consultation

Can it be treated?

In some cases, the symptoms of andropause can greatly influence the quality of life. For this, different treatment options have been created. The goal is to restore adequate testosterone levels to reduce symptoms.

To fulfill this, this hormone can be administered in different ways. First, it can be done by intramuscular injections. Gels, transdermal patches and even orally are also used.

However, it is a delicate treatment. Many other health factors must be considered, such as the condition of the prostate. This is because certain prostate problems are influenced by increased testosterone.

The ideal is to always go to a specialist. It is important to explain all the symptoms in detail and for him to help decide which is the best option in each case.

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