Big Hearts Are Filled With Little

Great hearts exist. Today we invite you to reflect a little on this.

We all have big dreams, high hopes that mark our goals every morning. Having purpose is, without a doubt, a positive thing but, like everything in life, you have to know how to keep your balance.

There are those who aspire to so many things that the present lets slip because it does not meet their expectations. Others, for their part, only yearn to accumulate things, people, objects … and forget to obtain positive experiences and emotions with which to truly enrich themselves.

We could say that “we come to life with nothing and we leave in the same way.”

However, there is no richer, fuller and more comforting legacy than filling our hearts with the simplest things that every day brings us, those that are not obtained in exchange for money and that, in essence, give us the authentic happiness.

The greatness of humble hearts and its three principles

At times, our society tends to associate the concept of humility with weakness, with someone who does not face life with strength or pride.

On the other hand, humble people are also related to that part of our population that is capable of giving up their physical assets to help others.

Nothing is further from reality. When we speak of a humble person, we are not immediately thinking of someone who practices Buddhism and who sits in the lotus position.

Humility should be a vital purpose to instill in children from a very young age to achieve more upright, respectful and, at the same time, happy adults.

Let’s think about these ideas for a moment:

1. How many things do you need today to be happy?

Reflect on this question for a few minutes. What do you need today to be happy? It is very possible that the first thing that comes to mind is these dimensions:

  • Share an intimate time with my partner.
  • Have a good time laughing and playing with my children.
  • Eating with my parents, letting myself be loved and showing them my love.
  • Being with myself for a few hours, alone, walking through a quiet place.
  • Enjoy with my friends, joke around, go for a walk, discover, remember good times …

If you have thought about all these ideas, it is clear that your heart knows how to focus on what really matters on a day-to-day basis: family, friends and yourself.

They are spaces that must be carried in harmony, without neglecting any, not even your personal growth.

2. Simplicity is the key to combat stress

The best advice we can offer you to balance both anxiety and stress is, without a doubt, to lead a simple life. So you can go to the group of big hearts at once.

Leading a simple life does not mean having to give up certain things, but rather prioritizing some over others.

The big hearts that know how to take care of themselves, who know how to listen to themselves and who, in turn, learn to be happy with fewer things, manage to demand less from life and, therefore, come closer to a daily balance where it no longer exists stress.

We must understand that stress’s main function is to put us on alert  “before a risk or a near danger from which to escape”.

If we learn to detach ourselves from certain things, to relativize them, that sense of alarm and pressure with which we wake up every morning will disappear.

There are those who live their entire lives with chronic stress. They are people who have become used to living outward and not inward.

They try to go beyond their own possibilities, they attend to others more than themselves, they think that the balance is in fulfilling all those external objectives, when, in reality, they have lost sight of their own heart. Your own interior. We should think about it.

3. Find what is important

Great hearts seek what is important. In other words, the heart that is filled with little is not cowardly or aspires to little, but seeks what is really IMPORTANT.

Settling for little is not giving up, it  is prioritizing what is important. Now, what is really vital in our day to day.

Each of us will undoubtedly have these essential aspects: it may be your partner, or your health, or being well with yourself overcoming some bad experience.

Each of us must be clear about what really matters. The rest is secondary. Sometimes, we also have to learn to “let go”, to let go of all those aspects (including people) that, sometimes, make our life more complicated and unhappy.

A strong and brave person is not the one who supports the most, nor the one who can endure the most on their backs. Someone strong is one who has learned to give up and leave certain things behind to now have a bigger heart that loves simple things.

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