Burn Fat From Your Body With This Delicious Lemonade

Thanks to the properties of its ingredients, this lemonade could help us burn fat and, therefore, lose weight; in addition to providing us with nutrients and energy.

Shall we make a delicious fat burning lemonade? It’s possible! There are foods that have the property of helping us digest, assimilate and eliminate fats correctly to prevent them from accumulating in the usual areas, such as the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, etc.

If we combine these foods, we can make a drink that promotes weight loss. Let’s discover the step by step to prepare a lemonade to accompany the diet to lose weight.

Fat burning lemonade?

This drink will surprise us with its ingredients since, although the main one is lemon, it contains others to a lesser extent that are also considered beneficial for burning fat.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 organic lemon, with its peel
  • 2 sachets of green tea or red tea, or the amount proportional to two cups if it is bulk
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil or flax oil (15 ml)
  • One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, if possible, unpasteurized (5 ml)
  • A pinch of cayenne powder
  • A pinch of ground ginger
  • Pure stevia to taste, to sweeten

fat burning lemonade

How do we prepare it?

  • We separate a part of the water and heat it to prepare the infusion.
  • Once it reaches the boiling point, we let it rest for 4 minutes and we introduce the already prepared infusion and the rest of the ingredients in a blender.
  • We beat for 30 seconds.
  • We strain the drink and the fat burning lemonade is ready. We can take it hot, warm or cold, to our liking.

When do we take it?

Alternative medicine experts recommend consuming this fat burning lemonade separately from meals. The most common advice is to drink it on an empty stomach since it is believed that at that time the body would be more receptive.

We can drink this lemonade every day for a month. Those who have consumed it point out that it would help deflate the body; however, we have not found reliable scientific data in this regard.

When do we take it

What would each ingredient bring us?


An animal study published in Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition has suggested that lemon consumption would benefit weight loss thanks to its content of polyphenols, substances with antioxidant activity.

In addition, this citrus fruit contains vitamin C and, according to data from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition , those who consume the recommended daily dose of ascorbic acid can oxidize up to 30% more fat when exercising than those with low levels .

As a curiosity, we will tell you that lemon is one of the most used products to clean the remains of grease from the kitchen in a natural way. Its peeling, if it is ecological, has more properties than the pulp; that’s why we beat it too.

Green Tea

This millennial drink has become famous for its slimming potential, but is this true? Although the scientific evidence is not conclusive, some clinical trials indicate that drinking green tea could contribute to weight loss due to its content of catechins, substances that would help to gradually burn fat if consumed daily.

A 2005 investigation found that those who consumed green tea with 690 mg of catechins daily for 12 weeks achieved an interesting reduction in body fat.

On the other hand, experts have observed two groups of people: one who drank green tea and one who did not. The conclusions showed that weight loss was higher (from 0.2 to 3.5 kg) among those who consumed this infusion.

Red tea

Red tea or pu-ehr has properties similar to green tea in terms of antioxidants and fat burning components. Its flavor is stronger, so we can alternate them, or choose one or the other depending on its flavor.

Oncology Research in 2005 noted that regular consumption of pu-ehr would reduce fatty acid synthesis. This would mean that the absorption of fats by the body would be partially interrupted by the components of red tea.


One of the main components of cayenne pepper is capsaicin, a substance whose slimming effect has been proven. Although specialists have not yet been able to determine how it generates weight loss, it is believed that it would occur by increasing sweating and accelerating the heart rate naturally, two situations that would stimulate the metabolism.

What each ingredient brings us


Ginger has similar properties to cayenne but is much softer. By consuming ginger, there would be a greater thermogenesis and, at the same time, a less sensation of hunger.

Coconut oil

This oil is part of the group of healthy fats that are believed to help balance fats in the body. That is, to lose weight or gain weight according to what the body needs. In this regard, the researchers maintain that more information is needed to corroborate these theories.

Flax oil

This healthy fat is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, substances that are supposed to help reduce the body fat index. However, there are no scientific disclosures to support this assumption.

Apple vinager

Alternative medicine maintains that apple cider vinegar would activate the body’s natural enzymes that allow it to digest and eliminate fat. However, we have not found scientific data to support this claim.


Sweeteners, even if they are healthy like honey or cane sugar, are not recommended if we want to lose weight. Stevia, on the other hand, does not contribute a single calorie.

If we want to lose weight, it is best to go to the doctor or nutritionist to design a tailored diet, based on physical condition and nutritional needs. In addition, we must not forget that the lemonade that we propose is only an accompaniment to the menu determined by the specialist.

Preparing this fat burning lemonade at home is very easy and, in addition, it will surprise us with its flavor. It is delicious! If you have any doubts about its possible benefits, consult your doctor.

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