Check Your Anxiety Level In The Following Test

Anxiety… All people suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent. It is that dimension that can be adequate in a fair proportion, enough for one to be alert to certain stimuli. But, if chronic, it can be harmful. And you , are you within the normal limit or have you exceeded it? Find out with this anxiety test!

Remember that if you suspect that you have a psychological problem that may affect your mood, it is best to consult a specialist.

Anxiety test

This test is very simple as well as illustrative. With it, you can measure the scales that make up this dimension: physical symptoms, cognitive and behavioral symptoms, among others.

It is true that there are seasons when anxiety can be higher due to personal factors. The general recommendation in this situation is to stay alert and manage it in the healthiest way possible.

If you get a high score, see your doctor. This may mean that it is time to make a few small changes, to establish priorities and above all to THINK OF YOURSELF.

From our space we invite you to take care of yourself, to love yourself more and to be happy every day while maintaining the illusion. Meanwhile, for a little guidance, we invite you to take this anxiety test. Get a pencil and paper!

1. Scale of cognitive symptoms


a) I have trouble concentrating.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

b) I always look at the bad side of things and even anticipate negative things rather than positive ones.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

c) I tend to have memory lapses.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

d) I tend to have negative thoughts.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

e) It is often difficult for me to make decisions, I always think about things a lot.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

2. Scale of behavioral symptoms

A) I usually eat to calm my anxiety.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

b) I tend to avoid many situations instead of facing them.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

c) I have some nervous tics : I move my legs a lot, I eat my nails, I touch my hair a lot, for example.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

d) Things fall out of my hands.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

c) I have a hard time falling asleep at night because I keep tossing and turning in bed.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

d) I usually cry a lot.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

3. Anxiety test, scale of physical symptoms

When pain takes us prisoner, it is up to us to face it.

A) I usually have feelings of anguish or apprehension.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

b) I feel uneasy, nervous all the time.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

c) I notice that I have a lot of tachycardias.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

d) I end up very tired every day, so much so that I don’t know if I’ll be able to get up the next day.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

e) I have a lot of sleep problems, I sleep poorly and, during the day, I sometimes fall asleep without realizing it.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

f) Almost every day I have a headache, neck or back pain.

-Never (0 points)

-Few times (2 points)

-Often (3 points)

-Always (4 points)

Interpretation of the anxiety test

positive thinking

0-18 points – Absence of anxiety

It is possible that, on some occasions, you find yourself more nervous than usual, but your response to stressful situations is adequate and falls within the normal range. Very well.

19-36 points – Mild or moderate level of anxiety

You are within the normal limit but you must be careful. Despite not being a high level, it is advised that you take care of yourself; If at some point you don’t set limits, you may end up having a problem or an overload. That is, you are at the limit of normal but you should not trust yourself, always think about your health and the need to manage your emotions well.

37-54 points – High anxiety

Careful. You suffer from too high levels of anxiety. It is time to make changes and become aware that there are many aspects of your life that you must improve because your health can suffer. If you ignore it, you could end up suffering from significant emotional and health problems. Start by taking life in a more relaxed way, let them help you and make the appropriate changes.

If you have symptoms, visit the psychologist

An anxiety test can help you realize that your levels are above what is recommended, but, as always, remember that only a professional can diagnose you with any psychological disorder.

For this reason, if you suspect that you may be suffering from high levels of anxiety and you feel stressed about it, we recommend that you go to the psychologist to receive his specialized opinion.

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