Coconut Oil Treatment To Prevent Dental Infections

Did you know that coconut oil is a product that is used both to make rinses and to brush teeth and take care of oral health?

Coconut oil is a natural product that has many uses. There have been people who have even classified it as a “superfood” since it contains antioxidants and various nutrients that benefit health, in various areas.

In the field of oral health, this product has been used for some time as an adjunctive treatment, since it is considered that it has the potential to take care of the teeth and gums and prevent and treat some problems, such as: cavities, dental infections and gingivitis .

The effectiveness of coconut oil, according to studies

Say goodbye to tartar, gingivitis and bad breath with this edible oil

Generally speaking, coconut oil is said to fight bacterial-caused dental infections thanks to its lauric acid content. Additionally, it whitens the enamel, without damaging it, and prevents tartar. On the other hand, it deflates the gums and prevents inflammation and bleeding.

Now, let’s see what the latest studies say about it:

  • In another study published in 2017, coconut oil rinses are an effective method for maintaining oral hygiene, since it significantly reduces the presence of Streptococcus mutans in saliva.
  • According to a study published in 2018, it was concluded that coconut oil can help reduce plaque and gingivitis, so it can be used as an effective antibacterial and antifungal.

Treatment for dental infections

According to beliefs, to perform this home and natural treatment it is advisable to choose extra virgin coconut oil. This oil solidifies when it is at a temperature below 23 ºC, but it melts again when we put it in the mouth.

Treatment consists of two steps. We must do them every day in order to obtain results:

  • In the morning: rinses.
  • At night: brushing as a toothpaste.

1. Daily rinses

Daily vegetable oil rinses are an ancient technique for improving the health of the mouth and the entire digestive system. Although they can also be made with sesame oil, in this case we propose extra virgin coconut oil for its antibacterial effect.

By rinsing for a long time, we are able to do a very deep cleaning of the mouth. On the other hand, we can also balance the entire digestive tract.

In this way, we more easily eliminate bacteria and toxins without altering the delicate oral pH. We can also remove tartar, improve breath and relieve gum inflammation.

How to make them?

Woman with a mouthwash.

  • When we get up, before consuming any food, we put 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil (15 ml) into our mouths. It is essential that the oil is of the highest quality.
  • We begin to carry out the rinses ensuring that the oil reaches all the parts. They are not gargles, so the oil does not have to go down the throat.
  • We keep the rinses for about 20 minutes. During this time we will notice how the dense texture of the oil becomes lighter and waterier, which is a good sign.
  • After these minutes, we spit the oil (better in the garbage can). Then we will brush our teeth well with our usual toothpaste.
  • We recommend waiting at least 15 minutes before having breakfast. If possible, always start with a glass of water to help flush toxins from the body.
  • Perform this treatment every morning.

2. Natural toothpaste

To maintain a healthy mouth and resistant to dental infections, we recommend choosing toothpastes that are as natural as possible. In this way, we can avoid components such as sulfates and other additives that can affect our health and alter the pH of saliva.

There are very effective natural alternatives that contain vegetable and essential oils, xylitol, clay, activated charcoal, etc.

Toothbrush and jar with coconut

We should always brush our teeth after each of the three main meals. In this case, to reinforce this natural treatment, we should replace the toothpaste with coconut oil in one of the three daily brushings.

Thus, this oil will become a complementary natural toothpaste to strengthen the defenses of the mouth. In addition, we can see results quickly.

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