Contraceptive Pills Side Effects

Birth control pills are among the most widely used methods of preventing pregnancy. They are taken daily by women of different age ranges, from adolescents to women in their last years of fertility.

With time and more information, even rest periods have ceased to exist. But like all drugs that contain chemicals and other compounds, they can cause side effects.

Most of the time, the effects wear off in a short time and are not serious. However, there are some that can seriously harm the lives of women. For this reason, it is necessary to know them and pay attention to any symptoms.

What are the side effects of birth control pills?

Each organism is different, therefore, the side effects that contraceptive pills can cause in one case, in others, they may not even appear. Hence the importance of going to the doctor and commenting on all the concerns related to any possible irregularity or discomfort.

Bleeding out of period


Out-of-date bleeding usually occurs in the first months of treatment with birth control pills . Generally, when the box is in the middle, underwear stains appear. It is one of the most common side effects.

After the first three months it disappears in most women. If you switch pills, the symptom may reappear until the body adjusts to them.

Increased breast tenderness

The first weeks there are those who notice an increase in breast size and sensitivity grows. The increase passes quickly and everything returns to its place. If the discomfort becomes difficult to sustain, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Nausea or headaches


In the first days it is possible to feel any of these symptoms slightly. If they become stronger or do not stop, you should consult a specialist. You should not stop the contraceptive method before the control.

Weight gain

Many women have noticed excessive weight gain without having made any other changes to their eating routine. Although there is no scientific evidence, the truth is that it happens. Perhaps, fluid retention is a cause of this change in the body.

Spots on the face

There are women who when they start preventive treatment with contraceptive pills discover certain facial blemishes. The presence of hormones in the body are the cause of these marks. The same thing that happens to others with pregnancy.

Humor changes

Extreme mood swings

Also, during the period when the system is adjusting to taking contraceptive pills, the mood can vary. Alterations in mood that cannot be rationally justified occur in the patient.

When do the side effects of birth control pills go away?

Side effects from birth control pills should be temporary. Generally, by the third month the whole organism is normalized and there are no more symptoms of any kind.

When this does not happen and if the discomfort worsens, go to the gynecologist immediately. It may be necessary to change brands or find another more suitable contraceptive method.

What not to do in the face of these effects?

If side effects occur, what the woman should not do is stop taking birth control pills. On the one hand, it would be at risk of possible pregnancies. But also, if it is part of a process, then it would be necessary to start over.

When the woman has a stable partner, it is very positive to talk about what is happening. It is easier for them to understand and accompany this process. Taking birth control pills is also a way to protect the partner from future responsibilities. Therefore, your commitment is to be part of everything that happens as a result of it.

Even good communication saves possible discussions and elicits the most careful attention from him. You can help with homework on those pesky days, or understand certain bad responses.  The fault is merely the birth control pills. 

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