Did You Know That “light” Sodas Increase Our Abdominal Fat?

Normal or light sodas ? There are many of us who prefer this last option because of not gaining weight and choosing, so to speak, the most suitable option and with less sugar. Despite knowing that soft drinks are not healthy, we consume them frequently because we love their taste and because, in addition, we think that, from time to time, they should not hurt us too much.

Now, it is important that you take into account a series of aspects. If you really do not want to gain weight, it is best not to consume any type of soft drink, and even less so  the soft drinks considered light  since, far from preventing us from storing fat, what they achieve is the opposite: increase the perimeter of the waist. We give you all the data below.

Light sodas that, in reality, are not so

A study conducted at the University of Texas  reveals information that, in some ways, many intuited as: soda light is not too different from those considered normal and also pose an even greater risk, since it has been discovered that cause an increase in waist circumference and abdominal fat.

The study has lasted nine years. In it, the consumption habits of about 900 people have been analyzed for research. People from the United States, Mexico and Europe. To carry it out, the experimental subjects were divided  into three groups:

  • Occasional drinkers of light soda (between 1 and 3 glasses a week).
  • Regular drinkers of light soda (5 or more a week).
  • People who have never consumed any type of soft drink.

And what have been the results? The data is amazing. People who consume, for example, between two or three glasses of diet soda a week had an increase of between 2.54 and 5 centimeters in their waist circumference. Those who consumed these drinks on a regular basis, had an average of 7.62 centimeters more. Those who never consumed soft drinks did not reach the 2 centimeters of more since, in general, they made an effort to lead a healthy life where they did not include sugars or drinks considered light .

What conclusion do these data give us?

  • Light sodas are still very caloric.
  • Sharon Fowler, director of this study reveals that soft drinks light are directly related to such serious diseases such as diabetes. Also myocardial infarction and, of course, obesity.
  • Obviously, a person’s lifestyle will make this data more or less relevant. If you consume diet sodas very occasionally (2 cans a month), nothing will happen. Even less if you lead an active life where no fats or sugars are consumed. However, the risk is in those who drink at least 4 cans per week (or more), maintain a sedentary life and do not eat a balanced diet. Over the years, you will suffer an increase in abdominal fat and, as you already know, it is a direct danger to our health.

Other risks of diet sodas


energy drinks

Light drinks have a very high dose of sweeteners. If we consume them regularly, our senses of taste will cease to perceive, for example, the natural sweet taste of many fruits.

They increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes

If you are one of those who usually consume a can of diet soda a day, you should know that you will have a 36% chance of suffering from type 2 diabetes. According to research carried out by the University of Minnesota (United States), this type of drink They also raise our blood pressure, our bad cholesterol and, as you know, fat, which tends to accumulate in our waist.

They have no nutritional value

Refreshing drinks have a very pleasant taste, we know that. They are great for the summer and for those lunches with family or friends on the weekends. However, they do not contribute anything to our body, neither vitamins nor minerals. They are stimulants that alter many of our basic functions and that, far from quenching our thirst, increase it.

And remember, replacing them with ” diet sodas ” is not an improvement either. 

Give us a headache

If you are one of those people who usually suffer from migraines or headaches, it is better that you avoid carbonated soft drinks, whether they are normal or light .

Damage our teeth

Rupert Taylor-Price teeth

This fact is very important. According to an article published in the magazine General Dentistry , soft drinks accelerate tooth erosion and weaken our enamel. All this due to the citric acid that is in its composition. What if we start avoiding these types of drinks from today? Your smile will appreciate it. 

Damage our bones

If you are a woman and have already begun to have problems with your bones, something you should do from today is stop consuming carbonated soft drinks. Light drinks are also associated with this loss of bone mass and loss of density. Especially in the hip area.

They can hurt your heart

How can diet sodas hurt my heart? The risk of cardiovascular problems is evident from the moment that this type of drink increases our bad cholesterol or produces hypertension.

So remember it. Soft drinks are not good for your health. Also, don’t be fooled by the supposed benefits of diet drinks . Far from being a help, they are still a danger.

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