Discover What Fabulous Remedy You Should Take To Combat Insomnia

Irregular sleep patterns, as well as chronic or occasional insomnia, have multiple origins.

Among its main triggers we find:

  • Stress
  • The anxiety
  • A poor diet
  • Our working hours
  • Some ailments
  • Certain medications

If our problem when it comes to getting a deep and restorative rest affects our quality of life, the first thing we should do is go to a specialist.

However, In our day-to-day life those other complementary methods will always help us, those old grandmother’s remedies and that natural medicine that, used wisely and wisely, are often very suitable.

Today in our space we propose the following: start taking a cinnamon and banana infusion every night just one hour before going to sleep.

Then, you will only have to turn off all your electronic devices (mobile, computer, television) to read a book and let the dream embrace you, catch you in the rest you deserve.

Do you dare to discover this fabulous remedy?

Banana and cinnamon to sleep better

to sleep

The banana or, rather, its peel

Banana is one of the most complete, nutritious and beneficial fruits for our body.

  • Now, there are those who prefer to avoid it and reduce their consumption because they think it is too caloric.
  • It’s a mistake. The banana is not fattening. What’s more, it can be an ally for weight loss because it is satiating, relaxes, reduces anxiety and promotes a deep and restorative rest.
  • Ideally, look for bananas that are not overripe. It is then that we benefit from its water, vitamins, minerals and fiber content and its low glycemic index.

Now, if we include a banana in this infusion before going to sleep, it is for a very specific reason: it helps us release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that calms anxiety, relaxes us and helps us fight insomnia.

In addition, something that we cannot forget is that bananas contain a very high level of potassium and magnesium in their peel, much more than in the pulp itself.

  • We must not discard it. In fact, in our infusion it is essential.

Cinnamon, the spice of health and well-being

cinnamon to lose sizes

Cinnamon is a fabulous calming tonic. Only with its fragrance do we enter a very comforting state of relaxation and well-being.

If we take this fabulous remedy for 10 days in a row, our body will gradually get used to its benefits to conciliate a deeper rest.

  • Cinnamon helps us balance blood sugar levels.
  • When blood sugar levels are in balance, our hormones work in a more harmonious, balanced and precise way to provide us with optimal rest.
  • Another interesting aspect of this infusion is that it will improve the digestion of our dinners.
  • An adequate nocturnal digestion makes it easier for our body to carry out its purification tasks in a more adequate way.

It is there where the liver and the lymphatic system act as mediators of this detoxification and purification of our body.

Last but not least, it should be noted that this infusion based on banana and cinnamon allows us to relax our muscles and those possible overloads associated with stress.

This drink reduces the presence of cortisol in the blood to facilitate adequate rest. She is fabulous!

How to prepare my remedy to combat insomnia



  • 1 organically grown banana
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (2.5 g)
  • 1 liter of water.


It’s really easy to prepare. The first thing we will do is get organically grown bananas. The reason? We are going to use its peel and we need that its cultivation has been carried out free of pesticides.

  • Once we have chosen our banana, we will cut the ends of it and put it in a pot with a liter of water and heat.
  • Add the half teaspoon of cinnamon and let it infuse.
  • It should be boiling for at least 20 minutes. After that time, we will let it rest for at least another 10 minutes.
  • Next step? We have it almost ready, we just have to take that water to a bottle and pour ourselves a cup.

If you need this infusion to be sweeter, you just have to add a little honey. Do not add sugar or the insomnia remedy will lose its effect.

How should I take this remedy?

Take it every night one hour before going to sleep. Remember that it may take a few days to notice its effects. You have to be patient!


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