Do You Throw Away The Sprouted Garlic? Discover Its Great Benefits!

It is very common that when buying garlic and not using them as soon as we thought, they end up germinating in our kitchen. Do you always throw out sprouted garlic ? If so, you should know that you are missing out on some great benefits that not everyone knows about and that are worth taking into account.

Discover with us everything that sprouted garlic can do for your health … And don’t throw them away again!

Properties of sprouted garlic


It is very common that, when garlic begins the germination process, we see it as something uncomfortable and we always choose to discard them. How are we going to consume garlic that is already turning into a plant?

Well, from now on, take these data into account before discarding the sprouted garlic. Your health will thank you!

1. Sprouted garlic has more antioxidant power than normal garlic

As you already know, garlic is that medicinal ally that strengthens our immune system and defends us from many diseases. It purifies us, it is a powerful natural antibiotic  and, in addition, it provides us with a large number of vitamins and minerals.

However, at that moment when the garlic begins to germinate, new benefits appear:

  • As soon as it begins to sprout, natural enzymes are formed  that protect the young plant against external pathogens.
  • These new enzymes  increase its antioxidant activity to allow the plant to grow stronger and healthier.

That is, to the natural properties of garlic, such as its antibiotic and purifying power, its antioxidant property is added, very effective to fight against free radicals that cause aging or cellular oxidation. This statement is evidenced in a Article published in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”.

2. Protects us from hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) and from certain types of cancer

According to the aforementioned study,  garlic sprouted over 5 days has improved its power to eliminate free radicals. This would be due to the enzymes DPPH and ORAC.

All of this translates into greater intracellular power. It could also protect us from hardening of the arteries thanks to a greater inflammatory power, as stated in a study published in the journal “Acta Biochimica Polonica”.

In addition, according to these studies, the extract of garlic sprouts could be very suitable to protect us against neuronal damage and the risk of stroke or other neuronal diseases. However, these effects are enhanced if consumed with products rich in soy according to the following study.

How can I consume sprouted garlic?

Eat garlic on an empty stomach

It is important to take into account a series of aspects about sprouted garlic:

  • Don’t buy sprouted garlic at the supermarket. Most likely, they have germinated in poor condition. If they are very dry, light and small, do not choose them. However, the sprouts will always be healthier in our house.
  • To consume them, just peel them and then open them in half. You will immediately see the start of the sprout in the center of the garlic clove. They must have a very fresh and striking green color. They should never appear brown or black, and if so, discard them.
  • Sprouted garlic has  a slightly stronger flavor; in these cases you will need less quantity when including it in your meals. Just chop the sprouted garlic and add it to your salads, just as you normally would.


To keep in mind!

It is interesting to know that sprouted foods contain great benefits for our health. It is that moment when the vegetable is growing, it is germinating to become a plant and thus offer new fruits. During this process , more vitamins appear, more proteins and its regenerative and revitalizing power also increases. 

It is worth taking this into account and benefiting from other sprouted foods such as onions, chickpeas, fennel, alfalfa, radishes, arugula … Nature’s treasures that should not be missing from your diet.

However, we emphasize the importance of having a varied and balanced diet combined with the practice of physical exercise.

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