Easy And Delicious Zebra Cake Recipe

On this occasion, we will make the kitchen a creative game with the preparation of the zebra cake.

Zebra sponge cake is a quick, different and inexpensive option. In addition, it is ideal to always have a good cake in our kitchen for snacks, breakfast or to kill those snacks that from time to time they give us in the middle of the day.

Accompany your portion of zebra sponge cake with a glass of milk, a delicious and refreshing smoothie, a cup of coffee or infusion.

Children will love joining us to make this delicious cake!

The zebra cake is very striking, with its streaks of vanilla and cocoa. But how do we achieve this effect?

It’s all a matter of technique. Preparation is simple. However, the concentration and attention to detail must be saved for the moment we pour the mixture into the mold. The rest of the process is easy.

All you need is to have the ingredients and respect the measurements so that you get a perfect dessert for breakfasts and snacks.

In addition, it will be a luxury to see the faces of the children when cutting the portions and notice that their culinary work resembles the stripes of the zebras.

Let’s start with the description of the ingredients that are not many and surely we already have them in the pantry, waiting for our culinary ingenuity to manifest.

Have you ever wondered how to make a zebra cake?



  • 175 g of butter or sunflower oil
  • 250 gr of sugar. We can replace it with stevia or honey sweetener . In that case, the measurements change.
  • 250 gr of sifted pastry flour.
  • 1 cup of milk.
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Cocoa powder or 90 gr of dark chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder or self-rising agent.

All of our ingredients must be at room temperature.

In the same way, we will try to find low-fat substitutes with high nutritional content so that – taking away its bad reputation – the cake becomes a healthy snack alternative for the family.



  • First, we preheat the oven to 180ÂșC.
  • In a deep bowl, add the butter and begin to beat until the color of it clears.
  • Then, add the sugar little by little and continue beating until the grains are diluted, about 3 minutes.
  • Add a cup of liquid milk (or orange juice) and then add, one by one, the five egg yolks.
  • Then, we slowly add the pastry flour, with a teaspoon of baking powder.
  • And the egg whites? In another container together with a pinch of salt, we beat them until they form peaks, but without losing their moisture. Finally, we add the zebra cake, the beaten egg whites and the vanilla essence to our mixture.
  • Afterwards, we separate the mixture into two equal portions.
  • To one of the zebra sponge cake mixes, we add three level spoons of cocoa or the melted dark chocolate to the bain-marie.
  • In the center of a previously prepared mold, approximately 22 centimeters in diameter, place three tablespoons of the vanilla mixture and on top of it, the same amount of the dark cocoa mixture. We continue alternating the mixtures until pouring them completely into the mold.
  • Finally, we bake for 50 minutes or until the toothpick test comes out dry.

Did you see how simple it is?  Go ahead and prepare it at home with your own variations.

You can also add a touch of liquor to one of the mixes, oatmeal, nuts or yogurt. Anyway, whatever comes to mind. This is a very versatile recipe.

Enjoy it!

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