Exercises To Avoid And Treat Varicose Veins

The appearance of varicose veins is mainly influenced by the genetic component, although obesity, sedentary lifestyle and pregnancy can increase the risk of suffering from them. Therefore, below, we present some simple exercises that you can do from home to avoid and treat, in a way, varicose veins.

Why do varicose veins occur?

Varicose veins are dilations of the wall of the veins. As for the venous valves, they are produced either as a result of dilation or because they are damaged first and then the blood accumulates and dilates the vein.

They usually appear on the legs, although they may also occur on other parts of the body. As for its symptoms, they can be painful, have a feeling of heaviness or fatigue and swelling in the ankles, legs and feet.

Tips to relieve and treat varicose veins

Varicose veins can be removed through medical procedures, these include surgery, laser therapy, and injection therapy.

Also, your doctor may recommend the use of compression stockings. These provide gentle, consistent pressure, helping to prevent blood pooling in your legs and reduce swelling. However, the first thing that is recommended to the patient is to make a change in habits.

If you suffer from varicose veins, you need to strengthen the muscles of the legs and promote the proper functioning of the veins. For this, some exercises are recommended that are easy, practical and do not require any type of apparatus. Therefore, you can do them anywhere in your home and at any time.

The following exercises to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins can be done several times a day, allowing time for the muscles to rest and recover.

Exercises to treat varicose veins

Lying down

Elevated abdomen and legs exercises.

When you lie down to rest in your free time, take advantage of and do these exercises for varicose veins:

  • Lie on your back, lift your legs and put them on the wall. This position will facilitate the flow of circulation, as well as giving you a feeling of rest.
  • You can also lift your legs straight. Separate them and put them back together several times.
  • In the same position, raise your legs and start pedaling in the air, also make circle shapes with your feet.
  • Bend one of the legs towards the chest and hold it from behind the knee. Hold on for a few seconds and switch legs. This exercise is to work the calf muscles.
  • With your legs straight, flex your toes about 20 times per session.

Sitting: exercises to treat varicose veins

Exercise from the office.

If you spend a lot of time sitting at home or at work, do these exercises:

  • Stretch and shrink your legs constantly to facilitate blood circulation.
  • Separate and bring the balls of your feet together, repeat it at least 30 times per session. Remember that it is important that you do these exercises several times a day to achieve the greatest effect.
  • Place your heels on the floor, lift your toes, lower and raise your heels several times.


Heel exercise to treat varicose veins.

  • Walk on your toes and then on your heels.
  • Without moving from the site, do push-ups standing on your toes and heels.

Do not miss: Tips to reduce varicose veins

Recommendations to treat varicose veins and prevent them from appearing

Leg massage.

Although many times it is difficult not to exceed the recommended weight, it is necessary for health. Being overweight is one of the factors that cause poor circulation, so try to maintain a suitable body weight.

Avoid spending a lot of time in the same position to treat varicose veins

Man watching television.

There are activities that require spending a long time standing or sitting, but the legs should have movement from time to time. Therefore, you can perform the exercises for varicose veins from wherever you are.

In early stages, or if they do not generate very annoying symptoms, it would not be necessary to go to a doctor, except for cosmetic reasons. But there are situations in which this is necessary, especially when there is pain, its appearance becomes more and more noticeable, there is redness or ulcers appear on the legs.

Therefore, it is recommended to walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Swimming is also an excellent exercise for this condition, since it makes the blood circulation work properly, in turn strengthening the muscles of the body.

Riding a bicycle also helps to combat this problem. This is because it regulates pressure and increases blood flow in the veins.

If you perform these exercises with perseverance and dedication, you can prevent the appearance of varicose veins or reduce it if you already suffer from it.

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