Gluten-free Lemon Cake

The gluten-free lemon cake can be made in different ways with these special ingredients, since the cakes can be type sponge cake,  cheesecake , cake, etc.

And it is that celiacs do not have to give up delicious desserts. There are numerous gluten-free ingredients with which to prepare various recipes (gluten-free yeast, gluten-free flour …)

Therefore, if you are celiac and want to enjoy a gluten-free lemon cake today, we are going to show you different ways to do it, very simple and delicious. Its special lemon flavor is exquisite and very fresh. Take aim!

Gluten-free lemon cake as a sponge cake


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lemon yogurt
  • 60 g butter, softened at room temperature
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 g of gluten-free cornstarch
  • 75g sugar
  • 8 g or a gluten-free yeast packet
  • Butter or spray to grease the mold


gluten free lemon cake

  • You can choose any mold: flower, crown, round, etc. It can also be made of non-stick plastic or metal.
  • First, in a large bowl or blender glass, add the eggs and butter, softened at room temperature. Then, with the rods, beat the two ingredients until they form a cream.
  • Then add the sugar and a pinch of salt, since the salt enhances the flavor of the rest of the ingredients. Then keep beating and mix well.
  • Then add the lemon yogurt. Mix well beating with the rods.
  • Next, take the lemon and, with the help of a grater, grate all its skin. Then add it to the whipped mixture.
  • Then, cut the lemon in half and squeeze it with a hand or electric juicer. Next,  strain the juice before adding it to the whipped mixture  to avoid possible seeds or lumps.
  • Later. Beat the whole mixture again with the whisk.
  • Next, put the gluten-free cornstarch in a bowl. Then add the gluten-free yeast and mix. Finally, with the help of a strainer, sift it over the mixture we were making before.
  • Then mix everything again with the rods.
  • Almost to finish, grease the mold with spray or butter and pour the mixture.
  • Then, put the gluten-free lemon cake in the oven at 180ºC for about 30 minutes. Another option to check that it is done is by pricking with a toothpick, which should come out dry.
  • After time, let it cool in the same mold.
  • Finally, remove from the mold on a plate or tray and decorate it (with cream, lemon jam, fruit, etc.). Of course, make sure they are gluten-free ingredients.

Gluten-free lemon cheesecake

Would you like a better gluten-free lemon cheesecake type cake ? This recipe is fresher than the previous one. Therefore, it can be ideal to take in summer or as a dessert for a large meal.

In addition, this recipe can be made without lactose, for those intolerant to it. Therefore, you can incorporate normal or lactose-free dairy, such as Kaiku brands. Let’s go to see her:


  • 200 ml of whipping cream, normal or lactose-free Kaiku brand
  • 20 ml of normal or lactose-free milk type Kaiku brand
  • 2 envelopes of gluten-free lemon jelly
  • 2 plain plain or lactose-free Kaiku brand yogurts
  • 1 package of gluten-free maría cookies, for example, Special Line.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)



  • First, crush the cookies. You can do it in several ways: in a mincer, with the mallet and mortar or by sealing them in a plastic bag and crushing them with the roller.
  • Then, put them in the mold and add a splash of milk. Finally, mix it up and create a layer of uniform thickness, which will be the base of our cake.


  • First, prepare the gelatin. To do this, heat a glass of water and, when it is boiling, dissolve about and a half of gelatin. Then, remove and let it temper. Then add the yogurts to the warm gelatin and mix with a spoon. Reserve 5 tablespoons for garnish later.
  • Then whip the cream for desserts with the rods, electric or by hand. Then, add it to the previous mixture of gelatin and yogurt.
  • Then pour the mixture over the cookie base in the mold.
  • Finally, put everything in the fridge (at least one hour).

Top or cape

lemon pie

  • First, dissolve half a glass of water (100 ml) in the heat with the half envelope of lemon jelly that we had left before.
  • When it’s no longer hot, pour over the yogurt mixture in the pan.
  • Finally, put it in the fridge for 10 more minutes.


Separate the sides of the gluten-free lemon cake from those of the mold with the help of a knife. Then open the hook and lift the circular wall mold.


Put the 5 tablespoons of yogurt with gelatin that you had reserved inside a pastry bag. You can decorate the top as you prefer, with lines or drawings.

Finally, add some lemon wedges and some mint leaves.

Clever! As you can see, it is very simple and it is delicious. Go ahead and prepare it at home.

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