High-fat Diets: How Do They Influence Us?

High-fat diets are quite popular when it comes to losing weight. Current dietary trends are committed to reducing carbohydrate intake, given the association of these nutrients with the development of certain long-term metabolic diseases.

To compensate for the loss of calories, protein and fat intakes are increased. These changes cause a series of metabolic consequences. The availability of sugars is reduced and fatty acids are used as the main energy substrate.

The role of ketosis

The mechanism that allows this to be done is called ketosis. It is a deviation of the metabolic pathways of energy production towards ways of using lipids.

Increasing your fat intake can be beneficial for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases, such as dyslipidemia and diabetes. However, there are several currents within this type of diet. The most extreme ones advocate the total suppression of carbohydrates, which may not be valid for all people.

One of the reasons that high-fat diets have become popular is because of their potential to improve an individual’s body composition. This is stated in an article published in the journal Obesity Reviews , where the use of this type of eating pattern is defended when it comes to reducing body fat.

The effectiveness of these diets is that they do not restrict portions of food. The individual can eat whatever he wants; the only thing that is limited are the products included in the diet.

high-fat diets and body composition

More fat for a better lipid profile

Although it seems contradictory, high-fat diets do improve people’s lipid profiles. This is because the regular supply of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids is capable of increasing the levels of HDL lipoprotein.

The anti-inflammatory effects of these lipids are beneficial in reducing cardiovascular risk, as stated in an article published in the journal Nutrients .

Reducing carbohydrate intake is associated with less obesity, which has a protective role against cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the risk of diabetes is also reduced.

It is even a valid protocol to improve the control of the glucose curve in individuals who have already developed diabetes. Increasing your intake of fats and reducing your intake of carbohydrates translates into a decrease in insulin needs.

Effects on the microbiota

However, uncontrollably increasing fat intake also impacts the quality and diversity of the gut microbiota. If the contribution of fiber and probiotics in this type of diet is not ensured, to promote fermentation in the small and large intestine, the internal flora suffers.

In addition, the origin of the fats also influences the changes in the microbiota. While mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids do not reduce biodiversity, trans-type lipids have more adverse effects.

lipids and gut microbiota

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High-fat diets: an option to consider

When we talk about a high-fat diet, the most appropriate option is to find a middle ground. It’s not about totally restricting carbohydrates; at least not as a general measure. Reducing its presence in favor of fats would be enough.

In this way, adherence to the diet is optimized, while beneficial changes are achieved in the individual’s lipid profile and in the markers associated with metabolic health. It is essential to guarantee the presence of fiber in this kind of diet, as its deficit can negatively impact the diversity of the intestinal flora.

Finally, it is necessary to control the origin of the fats. It is known that the contribution of mono and polyunsaturated lipids is beneficial for the body. Regarding saturated fat intakes, there is still controversy in the literature.

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