How To Control The Most Frequent Skin Problems

Sometimes the dermis has some conditions that vary in terms of symptoms and severity. Skin disorders or problems can be temporary or permanent, and have different causes or be genetic.

While most skin disorders are minor, others may indicate a more serious problem. Therefore, it is essential to go to a dermatologist to recommend the most appropriate treatment in each case.

For mild conditions, it is possible that with proper care and attention they can be markedly improved, while preventing more serious problems.

Here are some tips for managing the most common skin problems. Pay attention to the signs that appear on the face or elsewhere on the body.

Why do skin problems arise?

Due to nutritional deficiencies or imbalances

Many diseases or skin conditions are due to a poor diet, especially deficiencies of vitamins A, C and E ; as well as minerals, such as selenium or calcium, proteins and beta-carotenes (present in carrots and tomatoes, for example).

Changing your diet can help prevent skin conditions. Also, preservatives, dyes and chemicals that are added to food are responsible, among other things, for acne, dryness, eczema, etc.

Environmental pollution

Pollution in the atmosphere causes many skin problems. It not only causes it to appear dull and dry, but also because smog, smoke, and hazardous agents adhere to the pores and prevent the skin from breathing.

A study carried out in Beijing found that exposure to air pollutants could aggravate pre-existing skin conditions such as eczema and hives, and that there is a link between air pollution and common acne.

For this reason, it is more common to suffer from dermatological problems in large cities or industrial areas.

skin problems

Use of chemicals

Using highly concentrated cleaning products could cause skin irritation (and mucous membranes when inhaled), but it could also lead to skin diseases.

Dermatitis can be found more frequently in individuals whose work exposes them to irritants or chemical sensitizing agents.


New stress-related problems are being discovered every time. When going through moments of emotional imbalance, it is possible to notice changes in the skin, such as a duller and dull face.

In addition, there are some studies on the impact of stress on the exacerbation of certain dermatological diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, hives, psoriasis, rosacea, vitiligo, acne and alopecia areata.

Solar radiation

UV rays are harmful to health if taken in too much. There are many cases of workers who present skin manifestations due to carrying out their work in the open air, such as sailors, fishermen and farmers, after intense or prolonged exposure.

Overexposure to the sun causes aging of the skin, the appearance of spots, burns and other abnormalities, even melanoma. Therefore, it is crucial to use sunscreen and avoid exposing yourself in the hours of greatest radiation.

UV aging skin


Unhealthy habits

Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, or taking medications can affect the skin. In the case of alcohol, the most common skin problems it can cause are hives, redness, cirrhosis skin stigmata, psoriasis, itching, seborrheic dermatitis, and rosacea.

What are the most common skin problems?


They are brown or black in color and appear anywhere on the skin, due to natural or genetic causes. It is necessary to pay attention to changes in shape, color or size, because they could be a symptom of skin cancer.

Although most moles are usually harmless, it is recommended to go to a dermatologist to study their appearance. Remember to use a higher protection factor and try not to go out in the sun between 11 am and 4 pm.


It not only appears during adolescence due to hormonal changes or on certain days of the female menstrual period, but also due to the intake of greasy food. It can be caused by clogged pores, inflammation, bacteria, or excess oil.

A change in diet, more frequent sports and a facial cleansing routine could greatly improve acne symptoms.



Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease commonly found in adults with a predilection for highly visible areas of the skin such as the face.

Although the exact cause is not known, it is estimated to be a response to environmental conditions. For this reason, it is advisable not to be in very dry or cold environments, that is, with air conditioning or outdoors in winter, unless you cover your face with a scarf.


It is a skin rash that appears due to seasonal allergies, some foods, cosmetic products with very strong aromas, sun exposure, hereditary factors, etc.

They usually appear on the face, neck, behind the knees and forearms. It is necessary to apply a moisturizing lotion to keep the area hydrated, avoid the use of harsh perfumes or soaps, as well as not forgetting the sun protection factor.

As you have seen, it is important to take proper care of your skin. Some conditions require medical attention, but in the meantime, they can be safely relieved at home. It is convenient to observe the symptoms and consult with the dermatologist, as he will indicate the best treatment methods.

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