How To Live With Serenity

We all long for a calm existence, but how do we live serenely in a climate that is increasingly hectic and requires more of ourselves?

Since we left home, we already carry many day-to-day concerns with us. A heavy backpack that is sometimes very difficult to put down.

Therefore, if you want to live with serenity, you must initiate a self-analysis and begin to detect what is disturbing you. Let’s dive in below.

Live with serenity and happiness

Living with serenity will help you to put aside anguish, anxiety or any type of worry. This desire to live calmly dates back to times past since, during the emergence of the so-called “Hellenistic schools” , this feeling was associated with happiness.

Then , it was believed that the wise person was one who accepted all the circumstances of life, since he understood that the possibility of controlling events was slipping from his hands.

Indeed, when someone wants to keep everything under control is when they live with the most suffering. The Stoics considered it necessary to get rid of unnecessary things rather than be possessed by them in order to begin their path to happiness, as has been shown in this research by Dr. Restrepo.

Live with serenity

As Ramiro Calle explains in his work “The book of serenity” , living with serenity is not only about doing it with the absence of restlessness, but about experiencing peace and inner well-being.

Massino Pugliucci also indicates that stoicism does not consist in hiding emotions, but in recognizing and reflecting on them in order to redirect ourselves towards our own good.

Today, it is advisable to live making the Stoic maxims a practical philosophy for our daily lives. But how to achieve it?

Tips for living with serenity

Some of the recommendations to learn to live calmly are the following:

  • Have you detected what distresses you? If not, try to do it. So when that distressing moment is drawing near, you can stop it right away.
  • Analyze yourself. Have you noticed how you react to various circumstances? Maybe you are one of the reactive people who get upset easily. Many people lose their cool over matters that are insignificant. If you analyze yourself, you can live by focusing your attention only on what makes you feel good.
  • Avoid being a perfectionist. It is possible to suffer from chronic stress from trying to do everything perfectly. Some people want to be perfect at unimportant tasks and only end up feeling dissatisfied or exhausted.
  • Practice Mindfulness or meditation. In addition to other relaxation techniques, such as Pilates or yoga.
Woman meditating to live serenely

  • Clear your mind. But do it now, let go of all concern. You know that worrying about nonsense only causes yourself harm and does not solve anything.
  • Keep in mind that you are the priority. Everything else I could wait. You need to think about yourself first and then take care of other things. If you are not feeling well, your performance could be poor and you could experience emotional exhaustion.
  • Discard negative emotions. Do this exercise: go and walk for a few minutes and imagine that with each step you are casting off all negative emotions. In the end, when you’ve “let go” of all those hurtful feelings, you’ll feel so much better.
  • Practice gratitude. The more you thank, the better you will feel about yourself and the world around you.
  • Redefine happiness. Think about what happiness means to you. You will realize that perhaps you need to rethink about this concept that has nothing to do with material goods. Just accept things as they are.

Set realistic goals

On certain occasions, we can also lose our cool by setting difficult or, in the worst case, unrealistic goals. The best thing to do is to recognize that we are human beings and that some things are getting out of hand.

Therefore, we must manage the time according to our possibilities. It is also a good time to reflect on each of our beliefs and see how they affect and limit our way of perceiving the world.

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