How To Prepare A Lactose-free Fresh Cheese Flan

For those people with a vegan lifestyle, or who are lactose intolerant, we bring you an exquisite lactose-free fresh cheese flan recipe What does it consist of? What ingredients does it require?

First of all, it may sound a bit strange that a cheese flan is lactose free; however, it is a recipe made from ingredients of plant origin. 

Cheese, although it is generally made from milk, by using other ingredients, it can also become an option for you. Go ahead and try it!

Lactose-free fresh cheese flan

For those who are lactose intolerant, and do not consume meat or animal products, making a type of lactose-free cheese is extremely easy and very healthy.  Instead, plant-based milks can be used.

To make this dessert you will need nuts and legumes, which will become our main ingredients. So what are you waiting for to prepare a rich lactose-free fresh cheese flan?

Lactose-free cheese flan

With the right instructions you can prepare what you like the most. And this dish does not escape from it, because you must follow each step so that the final result is magnificent. Let’s do it!

Ingredients for cheese

  • ⅔ cup of hazelnuts (100 g)
  • ½ glass of lemon juice (100 ml)
  • 3 heaping tablespoons yeast (45 g)
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons of sweet red paprika (45 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • ¼ glass of water (50 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of agar agar (45 g)

Ingredients for flan

  • 1 ½ glass of soy milk (300 mLl)
  • 1 glass of lactose-free cheese (200 g)
  • ¼ glass of sugar (50 g)
  • 6 heaping tablespoons of cornmeal (90 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of water (45 ml)

Ingredients for caramel

  • ¼ glass of sugar (50 g)
  • The juice of 1 lemon

Lactose-free cheese preparation

How to prepare gluten-free fresh cheese flan

  • First, blend the hazelnuts with the lemon juice, paprika, yeast, salt and garlic. Reservation.
  • Then, in a pot, boil the water with the agar agar powder and let it cool.
  • Then add that mixture to the blender. Blend at medium speed and transfer to a mold.
  • Finally, cover with aluminum foil and let it rest in the fridge overnight so that the cheese sets.

Preparation of caramel

  • First of all, you need to make the caramel. So, put the sugar and lemon juice in a pot and heat over medium heat until the sugar turns dark.
  • Next, the caramel is ready, now you just have to spread it in a mold. Make sure to leave some caramel to decorate the flan.

    Flan preparation

    • As this time we are making a dessert for vegans, we must substitute the egg for the cornmeal with a little water. The texture will be similar to that of the egg.
    • First, in a large bowl or bowl, mix the cornmeal with the tablespoons of water, along with the sugar.
    • Then, pour in the soy milk and cheese and use a mixer so that there are no lumps in the mixture.
    • Then, transfer that mixture to the mold with the caramel and take it to the oven for 30 or 40 minutes at 180 ºC.
    • Finally, remove from the oven, unmold, serve on a plate and sprinkle with a little more caramel. Enjoy a rich lactose-free fresh cheese flan.

    Lactose-free fresh cheese flan

    Additional tips on lactose-free fresh cheese flan

    • If you don’t want to make this dish vegan, you can use eggs as you normally would in any dessert.
    • For the caramel you can also use condensed soy milk instead of the lemon juice.
    • Also, you can use other types of nuts instead of almonds to prepare your lactose-free cheese.
    • Some use a little soy sauce to make the cheese, this gives it a better taste when it is firm.
    • Rice flour along with a few tablespoons of water is also a good substitute for eggs.

    Still not trying this dessert? As you can see, if you don’t like products of animal origin, or if you can’t consume lactose, you have the option of making a delicious dessert with 100% vegetable ingredients. 

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