How To Prepare Chia Water With Lemon To Lose Weight

Have you ever tried chia lemon water? In addition to being refreshing, this is a drink capable of purifying the body, providing us with numerous antioxidants and facilitating weight loss.

These seeds stand out as a great remedy every time we combine them with lemon-enriched water. Would you like to know how to prepare it? Today in our space we reveal it to you.

The benefits of consuming chia water with lemon every day

Chia seeds have a unique nutty flavor, as well as incredible nutrients. They are increasingly fashionable in the diet of many people. You can find them in any natural store and they will help you in many more things than you think.

There are those who take chia seeds in their salads, combined with yogurts, smoothies or even others make delicious desserts or bread. They have a very pleasant taste, but the most interesting thing is, without a doubt, its multiple benefits, according to this study by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

  • Chia seeds have 5 times the amount of calcium than milk.
  • They are richer in antioxidants than blueberries.
  • They have 3 times more iron than spinach.
  • They have more fiber than oatmeal.
  • Chia seeds have a high amount of protein, which is why they are one of the favorite foods of vegetarians.

We are going to prepare chia water with lemon. It is a simple and fast way to get a lot of nutrients. In addition, it will help us lose weight as soon as we get up in the morning. Let’s see now why mixing these two foods is going to be so beneficial for us.

1. It gives us satiety and regulates the appetite

You already know how important it is to start the day with a good breakfast. In our case, if in addition to being well nourished we also seek to lose some weight, it  will be very useful to drink chia water with lemon on an empty stomach. This drink acts as a good satiating agent and will allow us, along with a balanced and varied breakfast, to hold out well until lunchtime, without having to snack between meals.

2. It helps us to hydrate and nourish the body

Chia seeds are rich in protein and lemon is a natural source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Together they act as an excellent remedy for energy, nourishment and, in addition, to be well hydrated.

Proper hydration helps us avoid, for example, headaches, according to the Mayo Clinic report, and helps most of our organs function optimally.

3. Prevents premature aging

Face showing aging

Consuming chia water with lemon regularly will help us fight the attack of free radicals, as stated in this research carried out by the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore (Pakistan).

Thanks to its antioxidants and the micronutrients in chia seeds, our skin will maintain its firmness and elasticity, thus we combat premature aging that sometimes causes fatigue or a poor diet.

4. Improve our digestions

Both lemon and chia seeds help food to digest better, according to this research carried out by the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, and that nutrients are optimally absorbed in the large intestine. In this way, all vitamins and minerals reach the bloodstream easily and in a healthy way.

5. Helps us lose weight

Speed ​​up metabolism with chia water for weight loss

This is one of the most interesting facts. Both lemon and chia seeds are a source of fiber and natural antioxidants that will help us in all these processes:

  • This water acts as a good diuretic and fights constipation.
  • When chia seeds come into contact with water, they form a hypocaloric layer. That is, when they reach the stomach, they increase in volume, satisfy us and stimulate digestion and purification of the body.

    How to prepare my chia water with lemon



    • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (5 g).
    • 1 glass and ½ of water (300 ml).
    • A lemon.
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


    • The first thing we will do is soak the teaspoon of chia seeds with half a glass of water (100 ml) for an hour. In this way, in addition to softening, it will form that gel so characteristic of this food.
    • Next, we will obtain the juice of our lemon. Once ready, mix it with the glass of water.
    • Next step? Very easy, now we are going to mix everything, the water with lemon juice together with the water where the chia seeds have formed that gel.
    • You can help yourself with the mixer, so you can also include the tablespoon of honey to sweeten this healthy and nutritious drink. You will love the taste.

      Remember to drink our chia water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach. In addition to taking care of your health, it will be a great help to lose weight. Shall we start today?

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