How To Prevent New Technologies From Affecting Our Health

New technologies have benefits but can also have negative effects. Learn how you can avoid its negative health effects.

New technologies have invaded our lives, homes and work. Despite having brought great advances and facilities, we must also take into account how they influence our physical and psychological well-being.

In this article we give you some tips and tricks to avoid the negative effects of new technologies on our health.

New technologies in our life

New technologies have evolved at great speed. The changes have been so fast that, shortly after buying a device, it was almost obsolete with the new models. And to be honest, we are not prepared to make adequate use of so much technology at such speed.

The improvements that they suppose us are very evident, the access to information, the communication, etc. However, what has not been so fast are the studies to assess to what extent they can harm us.

How does the light of the mobile affect the skin?

Some disorders are increasingly visible, such as:

  • Stress.
  • The obesity.
  • The insomnia.
  • Cervical pain.
  • Vision problems.
  • The addiction they generate.

However, there are those who consider that beyond these health problems, there is an invisible evil that is worth taking into account: electromagnetic pollution. 

Electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic pollution is a concept that has appeared in recent years. It consists of ‘ the disturbance generated by the excessive radiation of the electromagnetic fields that surround us, the result of electronic devices’.

This pollution has reached a saturation point, since  wherever we go we will be surrounded by it. And new technologies do not stop entering (more and more) in our lives, at an increasingly early age.

Although there is a growing concern about the installation of high voltage lines and telephone antennas. It seems that there is no such awareness of the contamination of personal devices, such as cell phones or wireless networks. It is even evaluating whether the use of tablets or smartphones by children is safe .

Nature, a remedy against new technologies

There are people who consider that reducing the use of different electronic devices (computer, mobile phone, tablet , etc.), spending time outdoors, in connection with nature, can mitigate its negative effect and regain well-being, at least in psychological terms .

There are also those who are encouraged to take advantage of nature even more and therefore decide to  walk barefoot for an hour a day on natural terrain, such as sand, dirt, grass, etc. This “therapy” would act as a regulator of the electric charge, from the free electrons that are received directly from the earth’s surface.

Other recommendations to mitigate the effect of new technologies

Double matrimonial bed.

It would also be convenient to take into account:

  • Disconnect Wi-Fi networks every night when going to sleep or put devices in airplane mode.
  • Opt for wired connections whenever possible.
  • Let the bedroom be a space free of electrical appliances (as much as possible).
  • Avoid having multiple devices next to the head of the bed.
  • Put cacti or a succulent next to the computers, since they supposedly absorb part of the electromagnetic waves.
  • When we are at home we can do without the mobile phone and activate the forwarding of calls to the landline.
  • Do not work with the laptop on your lap. Always keep it as far away from the body as possible, and place it on a suitable surface, such as a desk or table.

Natural fibers, another possible remedy

Clothes hanging to eliminate scabies in humans.

Although there is no scientific evidence to confirm it, there is the hypothesis that natural materials and fabrics such as linen or wool are excellent insulators against electromagnetic pollution, while synthetic materials do not have this virtue.

Therefore, when buying carpets, clothing, furniture or surfaces, choose natural fibers whenever possible. It is highly recommended to sleep with real wool blankets and natural latex mattresses, which act as excellent insulators. Today we can also find fabrics and materials with a proportion of copper that would also help to combat electromagnetic radiation.

Finally, the use of a humidifier at home is recommended, as it could help eliminate static charge.

If we follow all these measures we can prevent some health problems and live in a much healthier home.

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