How To Relieve Meniscus Pain?

The menisci are cartilaginous tissue that is present in the knee joint. It is a strong and flexible tissue that allows to cushion the friction of the bones of the leg with each other (the femur and the tibia). In this sense, meniscus pain appears frequently, since it is an area that tends to be injured.

In fact, it is one of the main reasons for consultation in trauma. It is usually a symptom of a meniscus tear or tissue wear due to aging or certain diseases.

Some people are affected by this disabling pain;  as it can prevent walking or making normal movements with the knee. Therefore, in this article we explain what are the main causes of meniscus pain and how to calm it.

Why does meniscus pain appear?

As we have already mentioned, the meniscus is a tissue that is found in both knees and that separates the femur from the tibia. It is an elastic fabric that serves to prevent both bones from colliding  when making movements with the leg.

Meniscus pain appears as a result of an injury to this area. It may be due to trauma or some sudden movement during sport that causes a meniscus tear to occur. In addition, according to an article published in 2020 by the Revista Argentina de Artroscopia , it is a frequent pathology in athletes and young people.

Knee osteoarthritis

On the other hand, meniscus pain can be the result of wear and tear. It is common that, as we age, the cartilage tissue of the body gradually weakens. It usually occurs after the age of 40, and can also end in a breakup.

For both causes, this type of pain is capable of appearing both suddenly and progressively. Depending on the degree of injury and the type, an inflammation will appear in the knee that will be more or less intense.

What other symptoms accompany this pain?

When a meniscus tear occurs, in addition to pain, other symptoms may appear. For example, leg movements are most often limited. Getting complicated, above all, stretching or bending the leg.

In fact, when there is a tear, a slight clicking sound can be heard when moving the joint. Also, in some cases meniscus pain is accompanied by a sudden ‘failure’ of the knee. When this happens it is as if you cannot support yourself and your knee will automatically bend.

What to do to relieve meniscus pain?

The main thing against meniscus pain is to go to the doctor. It is necessary for him to perform the relevant tests to locate the injury and check whether there has been a break or not. In the same way, we must rule out other possible injuries in that area that may be causing the pain.

That said, Dr. Antonio Rebollo Marina explains that there are also actions that would help reduce discomfort:

  • First, it is recommended to keep the leg elevated and ice the knee.
  • Ideally, place it on a special knee brace to prevent the skin from suffering from the cold.
  • It can be done several times a day, for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • In addition, rest is important to avoid overloading the joint.

It is usually advised (with prior medical approval) to take anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen. These help decrease swelling and also reduce meniscus pain, although taking them for too long is not recommended.

ice for knee pain

On the other hand, as well supported by a study carried out by the researchers Rosario Arias and Lissy Sharina, there is a natural remedy that consists of applying clay on the knee. The idea is to infuse yarrow and burdock and mix it with the clay to make a paste. As the application progresses, it will help advance the improvement of some patients. But more research is needed to verify the full effectiveness of this method.

On the other hand, nowadays it is being investigated whether electrotherapy serves as a therapy to treat both meniscus pain and its cause. However, as we have already stressed, it should be the doctor or physiotherapist who prescribes the best treatment.

Go to the specialist before performing any treatment

Meniscus pain is a common situation that usually affects young athletes, but also older people due to aging.

To calm it you can use ice remedies, medications or other measures, but the ideal is to go to a specialist before starting any treatment. In this way, they will be able to advise you on the best option for your early recovery.

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