How To Remove Oil From Hair

Oily hair is not just a skin type or genetic problem. Hair gets dirty throughout the day and this increases its oiliness. Soot, running dirty hands through hair, particles, dead cells or not washing every day are factors that affect hair, making it greasy. In the following article we will tell you how to remove oil from hair naturally, following simple tips and using natural remedies.

Sometimes, despite all the care and precautions we take, hair looks greasy. This is because the scalp is producing more sebum than normal. Greasy hair is not always due to organic dysfunction, but to hormones that secrete more fat in the body during certain moments of life, such as pregnancy and adolescence. Now, how do you remove oil from your hair?

Why does the oil increase in the hair?

The reasons why we can have oilier hair are:

1. Inadequate washing or lack of washing

Using cleaning products that are too harsh or with too many chemicals is not good for the skin. Many shampoos or conditioners are irritating and affect the pH of the skin. This can stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The same happens when we let go several days without washing our hair, especially when it is very hot.

How to remove oil from hair

2. Genetic or hormonal factors

The tendency to oily hair could become hereditary in some cases. Hormonal changes that occur in some stages of life, such as pregnancy, puberty or menstruation, can also make hair greasy due to increased sebum production.

3. Very straight or fine hair

Each strand of hair has two or three sebaceous glands that moisturize or irrigate it. If the hair is too fine, it does not use all the secreted fat, depositing the excess on the surface.

How to remove oil from hair: tips

Be careful if you take birth control pills

If you are a woman using birth control, hormones may be playing havoc with your scalp. If from one moment to another your hair has become more greasy, you can consult the gynecologist to see if that could be the reason. Certain pills can increase your sebum production.

Avoid the heat

During the summer you are more likely to have more oil in your hair, due to increased perspiration and the scalp being in contact with the sun. The heat stimulates the production of the sebaceous glands. The same happens when you use the hair dryer, the iron or the water in the shower that is too hot. Shower in lukewarm water, wear hats or scarves, and try to let your hair dry on its own whenever possible.

Don’t brush your hair when it’s dry

We recommend you brush your hair after washing it, to detangle it. Once dry, you should not touch it with the comb or with your hands or fingers. This only serves to multiply the fat. It is also advised not to brush before going to sleep. The best brushes are those with natural bristles. Don’t forget to do a deep cleaning of your combs: wash them once a week.

No massages or touching hair

It is common when we are bored, for example, to touch our hair and that is not good if you have it very oily. If you are nervous or anxious, don’t curl your hair, for example. All the oil and dirt from your hands will get into the hair and make it more greasy.

Massages can also make your hair greasy. Of course, if you enjoy massages or have any condition for which your doctor has recommended them, be sure to go to them. Just keep in mind that a continuous handling of the hair can increase its oiliness.

Home remedies for oily hair

You already know the reasons why hair gets greasy, let’s see now how to remove oil from hair with some natural recipes:

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice of two lemons and mix it with two cups of distilled water. Place it in a container and after washing the hair, do a final rinse with this mixture. Let it act for five minutes and then rinse. Keep in mind that this home remedy can lighten your hair. It is not recommended to use it during the day, because lemon can stain the skin.


Horse tail

Boil a cup of distilled water, place two tablespoons of dried horsetail leaves and pour the water into a glass jar. Let it rest for fifteen minutes and strain it into a plastic container. Leave it in the bathroom and use it as the last rinse.


Mix two egg yolks in a bowl with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply after bathing, with hair still wet. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse. Remember that lemon can stain your scalp. Do it once a week.

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is very good at removing oiliness from your hair. When you’re done washing, mix warm water with a splash of vinegar in a bowl and pour it over your hair as the last rinse. The good news is that this recipe will make your hair shiny.

Water Hamamelis

You can get it in naturist or dietetic houses. It is a very good astringent to eliminate fat and can also be used on the face. Make a mixture of equal parts with witch hazel and distilled water and put in the hair as the last rinse.

We hope you now know how to remove oil from hair.

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