How To Remove Wrinkles Under The Eyes

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and the point where our brain fixes when we talk to someone. Therefore, when wrinkles appear under the eyes, our concern is to reduce them as much as possible. But how to do it? Why do they appear?

The reason is in collagen and elastin. They are protein fibers in skin cells that provide resistance and elasticity. The fibers form a network that, when pressing or pulling young and healthy skin – which contains a lot of collagen – makes it recover quickly and easily.

However, the production of collagen and elastin depletes over time.  Thus, the skin becomes thinner and loses the ability to recover.

The sun also influences most skin changes . The area under the eyes is more vulnerable to damage caused by it, since the skin in this area is very thin and your face – directly or indirectly – is exposed to the sun all day.

Tips and remedies to reduce wrinkles under the eyes

Something you may not know is that wrinkles under the eyes are also determined by heredity.  While there is very little that can be done to change your innate wrinkle pattern, home remedies can be applied that can blur those under-eye wrinkles. Discover them!

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We now explain home remedies that will also help you hide those wrinkles. They are very simple, take note of them:

  • Spreading a little Vaseline around the eyes before bed will hydrate, soften and soften the lines of expression.
  • Mix a little olive oil, milk and rose water. Apply with a cotton ball around the eyes. This will help us to immediately relax and enhance the area.
  • Careful! When applying creams or masks do not stretch the skin. Apply in small touches until the skin absorbs the product, for the results to be remarkable you have to be constant.
  • Use an eye shadow that attracts and reflects light. It is better if it is a cream, since being moisturizing softens the expression. Powders are not recommended as they dry out the skin.
  • You can do a little exercise: when you feel tension in your eyes, you should close and rest for a few seconds. Then open as far as possible until you feel your muscles stretched. Repeat the operation several times.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, so you must always take good care of it so that those unsightly wrinkles do not appear prematurely.

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