How To Satisfy Hunger Naturally?

We must eat foods that help us maintain stable blood glucose levels and drink plenty of water, since many times the brain asks for food when we are actually thirsty

The need to “snack” between meals has two main reasons: that we are eating insufficient food or we are presenting states of anxiety. Satisfying hunger is possible.

Therefore, if you want to stop this behavior, in this article we will explain what are the ideal foods to satisfy hunger naturally.

Why do we feel hungry?

As explained above, this behavior has two main causes:

Insufficient and unhealthy diet

This occurs when our food intake is not balanced.  The body needs a daily supply of calories for optimal function. We must consume the necessary to compensate for those that our body spends daily, without falling into excesses.

The feeling of hunger occurs when the brain detects that the level of glucose in the blood is low. Possibly we are spending more calories than we supply or the food consumed does not have the necessary ones. For example:

  • When we eat low-calorie diets, we feel hungry all the time.
  • When eating foods with simple carbohydrates.  Honey, sugar, sweets or cakes that, although they provide many calories, do not leave us satisfied. They are quickly assimilated by the body. After a while, we will be hungry again since the brain will be noticing its lack of glucose.


These foods, should never be missing in your kitchen, help satisfy hunger and regulate anxiety:

  • Walnuts : contain fatty acids and help control cholesterol. Also, they are a source of fiber, which is digested slowly.
  • Apples : it is the ideal food for a mid-morning snack. It offers a lot of fiber and also contains pectin, which regulates the feeling of hunger.
  • Spicy Spices – Any spicy food will make you feel full longer and help boost your metabolism.
  • Mint: it is a natural species that helps to control hunger and in turn, to relax thanks to its aroma. It can be consumed in tea or in preparations.
  • Avocado: offers monounsaturated fatty acids, for a satiating effect. You can eat it in a salad for lunch and you won’t want to eat anything until the afternoon.
  • Green leafy vegetables: contain fiber and water, which will fill your stomach.
  • Flax seeds : they are a source of Omega 3, fiber, Omega 6, which help increase the levels of cholecystokinin, a hormone that regulates hunger.
  • Eggs: they have a lot of protein and can control your appetite for up to 36 hours.
  • Lemon : its acid flavor slows down the desire to eat sweet things and keeps us satiated for longer after lunch or dinner.
  • Soup: This super food contains many nutrients. Having soup as a starter is effective to avoid eating too much of the main dish.
  • Water : many times we think we are hungry but in reality, we are thirsty. When you feel like your stomach hurts from “hunger”, try drinking a glass of water. You can also consume foods like watermelon, oranges, cucumber or tangerine, which contain a lot.
  • Green tea: increases your cholecystokinin values ​​that regulate hunger. Also, drinking hot water will keep you satiated for longer.

    Tips to satisfy your hunger

    Eat salad for a healthy diet. satisfy hunger

    Beyond consuming the foods in the list above, keep the following tips in mind to avoid being hungry all day:

    • Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar : this phrase has been effective for many. By eating well in the morning, you won’t be as hungry during the day. Keep in mind that to start your day you need energy, and the food you eat in the first hours is vital.
    • Respect the five daily meals : do not skip any of them and follow the progression of quantities. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon, snack and dinner.
    • “Snack healthily”:  if you can’t stand hunger, you can eat something light (like fruit) between meals. Always choose the healthiest foods, put aside cookies, pastries, snacks, etc.
    • Chew well: don’t eat fast, savor the food and textures, enjoy the food. If you chew thoroughly, your stomach will have time to assimilate the nutrients and alert the brain that it is already satiated. It is preferable to eat something that requires chewing than liquid or smoothie that “passes” directly from the mouth to the stomach.

    Other recommended foods to satisfy hunger are:

    • Plums
    • Apricots
    • Low-fat yogurt.
    • Oatmeal.
    • Pumpkin seeds.
    • Whole wheat toast with skim cheese.
    • Spirulina
    • Mangoes
    • Carrots

    In case you adopt the advice and good habits and the condition persists, visit a specialist. Sometimes this type of behavior is a symptom of diseases that need medical attention. Satisfying hunger in a natural way is possible, do not stay without trying!

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