I Have A Lot Of Red Spots On My Skin – Should I Be Concerned?

It is likely that, more than once, you have been surprised to notice red spots on the skin. They are often called “ruby points”, they appear suddenly and no longer disappear. It is common for us to worry when we see them and when we see that, from one day to the next, there are some more.

Now, contrary to what many people think, these points are not lunar. They consist of small capillary dilations called angiomas, which can also be distinguished by other names such as Campbell de Morgan spots or cherry angiomas.

According to a study published in American Family Physician , it is a problem that affects up to 50% of adults. In addition, they tend to occur on the trunk and extremities, up to several millimeters in diameter. They do not usually have clinical consequences, but their revision is advised.

What else should you know about it? To understand it more easily, below we share the most important data about its development. If you are suffering from them, this information will be key to clarify your doubts.

Basic facts about red spots on the skin

Coinciding with information published in “General and Family Medicine”, red spots on the skin are the most common form of angioma. They are benign skin lesions that can appear at any time in life, although more frequently after the age of 30.

They tend to attract a lot of attention due to their tonality. So much so, that many consider them unsightly and prefer to resort to professional interventions to eliminate those that they have inherited from their parents. Let’s know some relevant data.

What exactly are red spots on the skin?

The red spots on the skin are small capillary dilations due to alterations in the vascular system. They usually appear in the area of ​​the arms and on the chest.

Its most characteristic form of presentation consists of the appearance of small points with a smooth or slightly raised surface, whose size varies between 1 and 5 mm in diameter. In fact, because of its appearance, many come to think that it is a mole.

On the other hand, it is necessary to specify the following: they are benign tumors. These are simple accumulations of melanocytic cells, which, unlike moles, do not tend to be malignant.

Why do they appear?

To date, the exact cause of the appearance of red dots on the skin is unknown. However, according to data published in the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology , they are associated with aging and tend to increase in number as the person ages.

However, they are also related to genetic factors, hormonal changes, exposure to chemicals, and climate. 

red spots on the skin

Should I be concerned about its appearance?

We emphasize, once again, the fact that red spots on the skin are not cancerous and therefore should not be a cause for concern. They are benign tumors, but to which, it is necessary to control and attend every day. So if you have signs of these blemishes, consider the following:

  • Take care that large quantities do not appear in a specific area.
  • Red spots on the skin should not bother us. That is, if they hurt, itch or bother you, consult your doctor.
  • Also, the red spots on the skin should not bleed. If just by touching them they bleed, go to your dermatologist.
  • Also observe the tonality and shape. If at any point that red color turns dark or its edges become rough or uneven, speak with a specialist.

    What can I do to remove them?

    Although they do not usually have any risk to our health, some people see these small points as something uncomfortable every time they want to wear neckline or tank tops.

    • It is important to note that we should never try to eliminate them at home and at home using natural methods. Although there are harmless solutions, others can be dangerous.
    • The red dots on the skin can measure between 6 or 7 millimeters, they are capillaries and, therefore, we should never try to extract them. It will always be the dermatologists who will explain to us the options we have to eliminate them.
    • Generally, a laser is used, or an electrosurgical knife or electrofulgurator that burns the red dot. In this way, they will never appear again. It is a safe technique.

    Are you worried about having red spots on your skin? As you can see, they don’t usually go beyond aesthetics. However, if you notice other abnormalities or complications, request a review by a doctor.

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