Is It Possible To Lose Weight With Eggplants?

We already know that it is a food with an exquisite flavor but… do you know how to lose weight with aubergines? In this article, we explain more about this vegetable.

Eggplant has a  high content of water and fiber, while it has very few calories. In this way, it becomes by itself an excellent ally for our diets.

Discover how to lose weight with aubergines.

Eggplant benefits

Eggplant is a food with multiple beneficial properties for our body:

  • Improve our digestion.
  • Fight cellulite.
  • It is anti-inflammatory.
  • Contains antioxidants.
  • Promotes intestinal transit.
  • Contains anticancer properties.
  • It is very suitable for the liver and gallbladder.
  • Regulates cholesterol.
  • It provides us with minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron …


How to lose weight with eggplants?

As we have pointed out previously, aubergine has an element called saponin that significantly reduces fat absorption.

Nutritionists recommend that we consume aubergine water or its juice. This juice will perform a detoxification function for our body, improving, in turn, kidney function by also acting as a diuretic. In addition to this, and thanks to the fiber contained in its seeds, it will improve our intestinal function.

According to this research work from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the University of Guayaquil, eggplant juice helps burn fat. It is therefore recommended to drink a glass of aubergine juice a day, just before the main meal. That way, the fats will not be absorbed.

Of course: so that you can lose weight, follow a diet where there are no excessive fats and where you exercise at least half an hour a day. Eggplant juice is an excellent ally to lose weight, but by itself it will not work if we do not follow a balanced diet.

Slimming aubergine juice recipe

First, you should know that eggplant cannot be eaten raw.  It needs to be cooked, since it contains an alkaloid called solanine that is toxic to our body. When choosing them in the market, lean towards those that are rather hard.


  • A rather large eggplant.
  • Half a liter of water.
  • The juice of a lemon.


  1. We start by peeling and cutting the aubergines into small pieces.
  2. Afterwards, we place them in a bowl of cold water (half a liter), where we will leave it to soak for a couple of hours. If you wish, you can do it the day before. Once it has been soaked, we take it to the fire to cook and come to a boil. Let it boil for at least fifteen minutes.
  3. When it is boiling, add the lemon juice.
  4. Now, we lower the heat and let it rest for ten minutes.
  5. Then, so that the pulp and the water obtained  are mixed and well homogeneous, you can put the blender to obtain a more balanced juice.


Remember that this aubergine juice should be drunk fifteen minutes before the main meal and during all the days you want to go on your diet. Lemon is usually added because the taste is somewhat bitter.

Remember that eggplant will help reduce fat absorption, but to lose weight faster, accompany it with a low-calorie diet and some exercise.

It is also important to remember that we must go to a health professional to guide us in this regard before making any change in our lifestyle.

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