Is It Possible To Lose Weight With Fruit Smoothies?

If you are looking to lose weight, the first thing to do is speak with an endocrinologist. Only through their advice can you lose weight in a healthy way. However, your guidelines can be supplemented with delicious all-natural fruit smoothies. 

You just have to ask him, and, if it seems correct, you can carry out the following recipes.

How to make healthy fruit smoothies

To prepare healthy fruit smoothies, you need the following ingredients:

– 1 cup of plain skimmed yogurt or a glass of soy milk
– A piece of the fruit you want
– 1 tablespoon of wheat germ

Mix all the ingredients in the blender with crushed ice. If your doctor allows you to substitute a meal for a shake, you can add 1 tablespoon of protein powder.

Fruit smoothies

When to use fruit smoothies

As long as the doctor approves, these fruit shakes can replace a non-main meal such as snacks or lunches, since they provide carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

If your schedules do not have time to eat mid-morning or in the afternoon, try preparing several assorted shakes to consume when you need them.

Opting for these healthy options when hunger lurks can prevent you from turning to poor calorie products. This could help you lose weight as well as feel better.

The key to losing weight in a healthy way and maintaining it is in following a healthy and balanced diet. If you consume too many shakes and few or none of the other food groups it is possible that you could suffer from nutritional deficiencies and even that you could gain weight, so be very careful.

3 healthy options for your fruit smoothies

You can add healthy ingredients to your shakes and vary the flavors. In this way, throughout the week you will be including nutrients in your diet quickly and easily. Some options that we recommend are:


Pear is  a fruit loaded with nutrients that provides us, among other things, with a large amount of dietary fiber, vitamins and potassium. All are essential nutrients to prevent intestinal problems, fight the accumulation of toxins or prevent premature aging.


A kiwi is equivalent to 85% of the vitamin C that we must consume daily, which makes it an ally of our immune system. It is also a source of fiber, necessary when it comes to fighting cholesterol and provides us with potassium, essential for the muscles and the nervous system. 

Its diuretic capacity will help us combat fluid retention, which is essential if we want to lose weight healthily.


It is a natural source of vitamins K and C, folates, copper and potassium. It is an important contribution of fiber and vegetable protein. Both are satiating elements that help quell hunger and reduce intakes. A good option if we want to lose eating less but in a balanced way.

Includes satisfying foods

Fruit smoothies that provide dietary fiber, like the previous ones, could help our body to:

  • prevent type 2 diabetes
  • lower blood cholesterol levels 
  • prevent constipation problems

Fruit smoothies

In addition, fiber and vegetable protein slow down the digestion process. This produces a prolonged feeling of fullness in the brain.  In this way they contribute to reducing the desire to continue eating with what we stopped before the intake.

Keep in mind, of course, that we should not eat more fiber than necessary. According to some studies, a diet based on excessive fiber  can prevent a good absorption of certain nutrients, such as zinc, calcium, iron and copper.

There are no studies that support that eating less is healthier. In fact, you must eat correctly to be healthy, and supplement the doctor’s diet with a good intake of water and daily physical exercise. You will achieve your goal and you will feel much better.

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